Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Standardisation and new methods to digitize wet-preserved arthropods (DifA)
Subject Area
Evolution, Anthropology
Systematics and Morphology (Zoology)
from 2014 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 247815257
While there are standardised methods to digitise dry natural history collection objects, there is a lack for wet-preserved specimens. Reasons are difficulties in handling and preparing such specimens, non-standardised mounting, and special photographical requirements.The planned project will develop standardised methods to digitise wet-preserved collections of arthropods to make virtual combination and manual, semi-automated or automated processing of allocated digital data/images possible.The following taxa are alcohol-preserved in natural history collections and shall be attended exemplary: Limnic insects and insect larvae, spiders, harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, and woodlice.The generated digital data/images will be available via the BiNHum data portal by public access. Additionally, the developed standards will be published as a manual of best practice (hardcopy and pdf for open access).
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)