Dietrich online documents bibliographic information for about 5 million articles that were published in periodicals and newspapers in German-speaking countries between 1897 and 1944. The material is drawn from the volumes of Felix Friedrich Dietrich's (1874-1938) "Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur", for which the copyright has expired. The condensed and structured bibliographic data that are organised here in alphabetical order by keyword have been converted into machine-readable information that complies with the requirements of XML database research and TEI recommendations for journal articles. The titles of periodicals, given in numerically encrypted form in the printed original, are decoded to their full titles according to their entry in the German Database of Periodicals (ZDB), and the keywords used by Dietrich and his collaborators to organize their material are classified according to authority files used in German-speaking countries (GND) or the internationally accredited Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Where available, links are provided to already digitized full texts of the articles listed bibliographically by year/volume. More detailed linking information is to be collected via crowdsourcing.
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)