Heart and lung diseases are the leading causes of death and represent the highest socio-economic burden of all diseases worldwide, with multiple interactions and largely unresolved treatment challenges. The Excellence Cluster Cardio-Pulmonary System (ECCPS) of the Universities of Frankfurt and Gießen and the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research constitutes a unique translational research centre, dedicated to combine cutting edge basic sciences with preclinical and clinical studies in the field of heart and lung diseases. The following nine Research Areas will be addressed:
(1) Role of stem/progenitor cells in development and repair of the cardio-pulmonary system; employment of stem cells for new treatment strategies.
(2) Tailoring of anti- and reverse-remodelling strategies for restoration of vessel structure and function.
(3) Deciphering key molecules/cells in heart and lung vessel generation and alveolar development, identification of targets for the induction of vessel and alveolar growth.
(4) Decoding disease development pathways involved in lung and heart fibrosis, development of new strategies for inhibition and reversal of excessive protein deposition.
(5) Analysis of hypoxia-, reduced blood flow and reactive oxygen species in heart and lung disease; design of specific intervention strategies.
(6) Protection and restoration of vessel wall properties in the cardio-pulmonary system, including control of inflammation and maintenance of host defence.
(7) Development of the vascular abnormalities in metabolic syndrome.
(8) Molecular changes underlying aging of the cardio-pulmonary system.
(9) Individualisation of therapy in cardio-pulmonary diseases by molecular imaging-based signature analysis.
Research in these areas is supported by three platforms, focussing on:
(1) techniques and technology development;
(2) translation of basic science into clinical studies and commercial exploitation; and
(3) education and training activities.
Four ECCPS-funded chairs and three Junior Research Groups, as well as externally funded research groups will be established to support the ECCPS in its mission, to decipher the molecular pathogenesis of and create tailored therapy for vessel and tissue related heart and lung diseases.
DFG Programme
Clusters of Excellence