Model And Data Assimilation Framework Development
Subject Area
Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Atmospheric Science
from 2013 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 243358811
The main objective of C1 is the generation of a catchment-scale Virtual Reality (VR) based on the fully-coupled terrestrial system modeling platform TerrSysMP, and the development and analysis of a Data Assimilation Framework (DAF) in cooperation with the members of FOR2131 based on the coupling of TerrSysMP with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework PDAF. This includes besides keeping the TerrSysMP compartment modules COSMO, CLM, and ParFlow up to date also necessary extensions of TerrSysMP, such as the inclusion of dynamic vegetation via the implementation of the newest CLM version 4.5, and the improvement of river and hill slope flow utilizing appropriate parameterizations. The DAF development requires coordination within FOR2131 for the development and implementation of suitable observation operators, which are able to handle the different resolutions of the VR and the DAF model. Due to the extreme IT requirements for both the VR generation and execution of TerrSysMP-PDAF, C1 is also responsible for the implementation of these systems on the infrastructures JUQUEEN and JUROPA of the high-performance computing center at Forschungszentrum Jülich JSC, which includes the preparation and execution of compute time proposals for the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e. V. (GCS) in cooperation with the SimLab TerrSys of Geoverbund ABC/J.
DFG Programme
Research Units