Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
In 2000, Hannover Medical School (MHH), one of Germany’s leading medical schools, was the
first to establish a structured and accredited interdisciplinary MD/PhD program in Germany. Just
three years later, the MHH founded Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) as an
“umbrella organization” for existing and future structured postgraduate programs. HBRS
currently comprises five international PhD programs – Molecular Medicine (since 2000),
Infection Biology and DEWIN (since 2003/ 2010), Regenerative Sciences (from the Excellence
Cluster “REBIRTH” in 2007), Auditory Sciences (from the Excellence Cluster “Hearing4all” in
2013) and Epidemiology (since 2013) - one DFG-funded research training group (IRTG 1273
since 2006) as well as the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN-TECAS since 2012). A
structured doctoral program for medical students (StrucMed) has also been successfully
established in 2005, while a second “Clinical StrucMed” will start in 2015. With the support of
the DFG Excellence Initiative, HBRS has become a highly attractive graduate school for
(MD)/PhD training with a first-rate international reputation. It co-ordinates teaching and ensures
excellent training in high quality research laboratories, and actively encourages integration and
interdisciplinary exchange between students and young researchers from medicine, life science
and - since 2007 - also with engineering background. HBRS fosters educational and scientific
interaction between university and non-university institutions - among these are the Leibniz
University of Hannover, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the Fraunhofer Institute
for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in
Braunschweig. HBRS provides a framework for international guest lectures, summer schools
and for the training of talented students for a future career in science. In providing optimal
conditions for female PhD students, HBRS aims to motivate and convince female academics to
pursue a career in science. With the introduction of a “dual career” concept, involving rotation of
positions and tandem research groups, HBRS supports a new model for clinical research
scientists. Moreover, HBRS was the spark for a number of additional measures. Thus, in 2011
the MHH initiated the “Voluntary Research Year” for high school graduates, which has been
strongly supported by the federal government and has been adopted by many universities and
research institutions all over Germany. The “Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in
Immunology” (LISA) was also founded in 2011, while in June 2014, the “Young Faculty
Program” for senior postdocs (medical doctors and life scientists) was launched.
Link to the final report
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Germeshausen M, Grudzien M, Zeidler C, Abdollahpour H, Yetgin S, Rezaei N, Ballmaier M, Grimbacher B, Welte K, Klein C
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Lammermann T, Bader BL, Monkley SJ, Worbs T, Wedlich-Soldner R, Hirsch K, Keller M, Forster R, Critchley DR, Fassler R, Sixt M
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Hammerschmidt SI, Ahrendt M, Bode U, Wahl B, Kremmer E, Forster R, Pabst O
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Ghosh A, Koestner W, Hapke M, Schlaphoff V, Langer F, Baumann R, Koenecke C, Cornberg M, Welte K, Blazar B, Sauer MG
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Bhatnagar N, Hong HS, Krishnaswamy JK, Haghikia A, Behrens GM, Schmidt RE, Jacobs R
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Björkström NK, Riese P, Heuts F, Andersson S, Fauriat C, Ivarsson MA, Björklund AT, Flodström- Tullberg M, Michaëlsson J, Rottenberg ME, Guzmán CA, Ljunggren H-G, Malmberg K-J
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Petermann F, Rothhammer V, Claussen MC, Haas JD, Blanco LR, Heink S, Prinz I, Hemmer B, Kuchroo VK, Oukka M, Korn T
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Fleissner F, Jazbutyte V, Fiedler J, Gupta SK, Yin X, Xu Q, Galuppo P, Kneitz S, Mary M, Ertl G, Bauersachs J, Thum T
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Seth S, Ravens I, Lee CW, Glage S, Bleich A, Forster R, Bernhardt G, Koenecke C
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Braun A, Worbs T, Moschovakis GL, Halle S, Hoffmann K, Bölter J, Münk A, Förster R
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Kliche S, Worbs T, Wang X, Degen J, Patzak I, Meineke B, Togni M, Moser M, Reinhold A, Kiefer F, Freund C, Förster R, Schraven B
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Thum T, Chau N, Bhat B, Gupta SK, Linsley PS, Bauersachs J, Engelhardt S
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Hadis U, Wahl B, Schulz O, Hardtke-Wolenski M, Schippers A, Wagner N, Müller W, Sparwasser T, Förster R, Pabst O
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Maetzig T, Brugman MH, Bartels S, Heinz N, Kustikova OS, Modlich U, Li Z, Galla M, Schiedlmeier B, Schambach A, Baum C
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Damm F, Oberacker T, Thol F, Surdziel E, Wagner K, Chaturvedi A, Morgan M, Bomm K, Gohring G, Lubbert M, Kanz L, Fiedler W, Schlegelberger B, Heil G, Schlenk RF, Dohner K, Dohner H, Krauter J, Ganser A, Heuser M
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Björkström NK, Lindgren T, Stoltz M, Fauriat C, Braun M, Evander M, Michaëlsson J, Malmberg KJ, Klingström J, Ahlm C, Ljunggren HG
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Hammerschmidt SI, Friedrichsen M, Boelter J, Lyszkiewicz M, Kremmer E, Pabst O, Forster R
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Haas JD, Ravens S, Düber S, Sandrock I, Oberdörfer L, Kashani E, Chennupati V, Föhse L, Naumann R, Weiss S, Krueger A, Förster R, Prinz I
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Napp LC, Augustynik M, Paesler F, Krishnasamy K, Woiterski J, Limbourg A, Bauersachs J, Drexler H, Le Noble F, Limbourg FP
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Interactions among HCLS1, HAX1 and LEF-1 proteins are essential for G-CSF-triggered granulopoiesis. Nat Med. 2012;18(10):1550-9
Skokowa J, Klimiankou M, Klimenkova O, Lan D, Gupta K, Hussein K, Carrizosa E, Kusnetsova I, Li Z, Sustmann C, Ganser A, Zeidler C, Kreipe HH, Burkhardt J, Grosschedl R, Welte K
Neonatal lymph node stromal cells drive myelodendritic lineage cells into a distinct population of CX3CR1+CD11b+F4/80+ regulatory macrophages in mice. Blood. 2012 Apr 26;119(17):3975-86
Zhang X, Yu S, Hoffmann K, Yu K, Förster R
Recruitment of the tumour suppressor protein p73 by Kaposi's Sarkoma Herpesvirus latent nuclear antigen contributes to the survival of primary effusion lymphoma cells. Oncogene. 2012 Aug; 32(32):3676-85
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