GSC 106:
Graduate School for Life Sciences (GSLS)
Subject Area
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
from 2006 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24389404
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Research in the life sciences is moving forward at a tremendous speed and one cannot imagine
to pursue a successful career without a multi-disciplinary approach, the ability to quickly adapt to
new topics and technologies, and to utilize these to address important questions within the field
of interest. The Graduate School of Life Sciences at the University of Würzburg (JMU) provides
an ideal platform to prepare doctoral researchers and postdocs to meet these demands. The
GSLS comprises members from the faculties of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy,
Physics, and Human Sciences (Psychology). The key to a successful graduate career is a
personally tailored and structured graduate program that prepares the doctoral researchers for
their future careers. The GSLS has therefore established five sections which cover a wide
spectrum in the life sciences and trains doctoral researchers for demanding future careers:
Biomedicine, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience and Behavior, Integrative Biology, and
Clinical Sciences. Each section defines its own scientific and methods program, thus permitting
all doctoral researchers within the GSLS to design their optimal educational program which is not
restricted to one section but also provides the possibility for the doctoral researcher to freely select
from the entire spectrum of courses.
Over the past 12 years, the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) has succeeded to be one
of the first institutions Germany-wide to set landmark standards for the support and career
development of doctoral researchers, thereby being a central driving force for major reforms and
adjustments in doctoral training nation-wide. With a training program tailored to personal
strengths and developmental needs, the GSLS offers all doctoral researchers in the life sciences
the possibility to optimally develop their professional careers. Without distracting from scientific
research at the core of each doctorate, the GSLS promotes and supports its doctoral researchers
and thereby makes them highly attractive candidates for both academic research and employers
outside of academia.
After a highly successful 1st funding period our experience with doctoral training in the life sciences
led to the expansion of the GSLS concept to the medical doctoral phase, to the master phase as
well as the postdoctoral phase in the 2nd funding phase, thus providing an ideal interdisciplinary
platform covering the entire path from the Undergraduate to the Postdoc. In total more than 390
principal investigators have joined the GSLS since 2006, supervising more 1300 natural science
doctoral researchers and 230 medical doctoral researchers. Approximately 35% of the current
natural science doctoral researchers come from countries other than Germany and are eager to
nurture their scientific excitement at JMU and with the support of the GSLS. An added value is thus the strong impact on international visibility of the entire University which would have not been
possible without the funds from the Excellence Initiative.
Oncogene activation in melanocytes links reactive oxygen to multinucleated phenotype and senescence. Oncogene. 2008 Nov 27;27(56):7070-82
Leikam C, Hufnagel A, Schartl M, Meierjohann S
STIM1 is essential for Fcgamma receptor activation and autoimmune inflammation. Blood. 2009 Jan 29;113(5):1097-104
Braun A, Gessner JE, Varga-Szabo D, Syed SN, Konrad S, Stegner D, Vögtle T, Schmidt RE, Nieswandt B
STIM2 regulates capacitive Ca2+ entry in neurons and plays a key role in hypoxic neuronal cell death. Sci Signal. 2009 Oct 20;2(93):ra67
Berna-Erro A, Braun A, Kraft R, Kleinschnitz C, Schuhmann MK, Stegner D, Wultsch T, Eilers J, Meuth SG, Stoll G, Nieswandt B
ADF/n-cofilin-dependent actin turnover determines platelet formation and sizing. Blood. 2010 Sep 9;116(10):1767-75
Bender M, Eckly A, Hartwig JH, Elvers M, Pleines I, Gupta S, Krohne G, Jeanclos E, Gohla A, Gurniak C, Gachet C, Witke W, Nieswandt B
Differentially regulated GPVI ectodomain shedding by multiple platelet-expressed proteinases. Blood. 2010 Oct 28;116(17):3347-55
Bender M, Hofmann S, Stegner D, Chalaris A, Bösl M, Braun A, Scheller J, Rose-John S, Nieswandt B
Impaired alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin activation and shear-dependent thrombus formation in mice lacking phospholipase D1. Sci Signal. 2010 Jan 5;3(103):ra1
Elvers M, Stegner D, Hagedorn I, Kleinschnitz C, Braun A, Kuijpers ME, Boesl M, Chen Q, Heemskerk JW, Stoll G, Frohman MA, Nieswandt B
The role of the dopamine transporter in dopamine-induced DNA damage. Brain Pathol. 2011 May;21(3):237-48
Fazeli G, Oli RG, Schupp N, Stopper H
Attracting the attention of a fly. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Apr 26;108(17):7230-5
Sareen P, Wolf R, Heisenberg M
Behavioral and synaptic plasticity are impaired upon lack of the synaptic protein SAP47. J Neurosci. 2011 Mar 2;31(9):3508-18
Saumweber T, Weyhersmüller A, Hallermann S, Diegelmann S, Michels B, Bucher D, Funk N, Reisch D, Krohne G, Wegener S, Buchner E, Gerber B
Integrating neurobiological markers of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Apr;68(4):361-8
Hahn T, Marquand AF, Ehlis AC, Dresler T, Kittel-Schneider S, Jarczok TA, Lesch KP, Jakob PM, Mourao-Miranda J, Brammer MJ, Fallgatter AJ
Neurovascular coupling in the human visual cortex is modulated by cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) gene variant. Cereb Cortex. 2011 Jul;21(7):1659-66
Hahn T, Heinzel S, Plichta MM, Reif A, Lesch KP, Fallgatter AJ
The soluble CTLA-4 splice variant protects from type 1 diabetes and potentiates regulatory T-cell function. Diabetes. 2011 Jul;60(7):1955-63
Gerold KD, Zheng P, Rainbow DB, Zernecke A, Wicker LS, Kissler S
Altered BCR signalling quality predisposes to autoimmune disease and a pre-diabetic state. EMBO J. 2012 Aug 1;31(15):3363-74
Königsberger S, Prodöhl J, Stegner D, Weis V, Andreas M, Stehling M, Schumacher T, Böhmer R, Thielmann I, van Eeuwijk JM, Nieswandt B, Kiefer F
Cholesterol loss during glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity. EMBO J. 2012 Apr 4;31(7):1764-73
Sodero AO, Vriens J, Ghosh D, Stegner D, Brachet A, Pallotto M, Sassoè-Pognetto M, Brouwers JF, Helms JB, Nieswandt B, Voets T, Dotti CG
CLP36 is a negative regulator of glycoprotein VI signaling in platelets. Circ Res. 2012 Nov 9;111(11):1410-20
Gupta S, Braun A, Morowski M, Premsler T, Bender M, Nagy Z, Sickmann A, Hermanns HM, Bösl M, Nieswandt B
Deregulated MYC expression induces dependence upon AMPK-related kinase 5. Nature. 2012 Mar 28;483(7391):608-12
Liu L, Ulbrich J, Müller J, Wüstefeld T, Aeberhard L, Kress TR, Muthalagu N, Rycak L, Rudalska R, Moll R, Kempa S, Zender L, Eilers M, Murphy DJ
Megakaryocyte-specific RhoA deficiency causes macrothrombocytopenia and defective platelet activation in hemostasis and thrombosis. Blood. 2012 Jan 26;119(4):1054-63
Pleines I, Hagedorn I, Gupta S, May F, Chakarova L, van Hengel J, Offermanns S, Krohne G, Kleinschnitz C, Brakebusch C, Nieswandt B
Fly cryptochrome and the visual system. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013 Apr 9;110(15):6163-8
Mazzotta G, Rossi A, Leonardi E, Mason M, Bertolucci C, Caccin L, Spolaore B, Martin AJ, Schlichting M, Grebler R, Helfrich-Förster C, Mammi S, Costa R, Tosatto SC
Gray platelet syndrome and defective thrombo-inflammation in Nbeal2-deficient mice. J Clin Invest. 2013 August 1; 123(8): 3331–3342
Deppermann C, Cherpokova D, Nurden P, Schulz JN, Thielmann I, Kraft P, Vögtle T, Kleinschnitz C, Dütting S, Krohne G, Eming SA, Nurden AT, Eckes B, Stoll G, Stegner D, Nieswandt B
Hebbian plasticity guides maturation of glutamate receptor fields in vivo. Cell Rep. 2013 May 30;3(5):1407-13
Ljaschenko D, Ehmann N, Kittel RJ
High-resolution transcriptome maps reveal strain-specific regulatory features of multiple Campylobacter jejuni isolates. PLoS Genet. 2013 May;9(5):e1003495
Dugar G, Herbig A, Förstner KU, Heidrich N, Reinhardt R, Nieselt K, Sharma CM
MiR-378 controls cardiac hypertrophy by combined repression of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway factors. Circulation. 2013 May 28;127(21):2097-106
Ganesan J, Ramanujam D, Sassi Y, Ahles A, Jentzsch C, Werfel S, Leierseder S, Loyer X, Giacca M, Zentilin L, Thum T, Laggerbauer B, Engelhardt S
Mutations in SNRPE, which encodes a core protein of the spliceosome, cause autosomaldominant hypotrichosis simplex. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Jan 10;92(1):81-7
Pasternack SM, Refke M, Paknia E, Hennies HC, Franz T, Schäfer N, Fryer A, van Steensel M, Sweeney E, Just M, Grimm C, Kruse R, Ferrándiz C, Nöthen MM, Fischer U, Betz RC
Overproduction of flotillin influences cell differentiation and shape in Bacillus subtilis. MBio. 2013 Nov 12;4(6):e00719-13
Mielich-Süss B, Schneider J, Lopez D
PTPN22 silencing in the NOD model indicates the type 1 diabetes-associated allele is not a lossof-function variant. Diabetes 2013 Mar;62(3):896-904
Zheng P, Kissler S
BIM Is the Primary Mediator of MYC-Induced Apoptosis in Multiple Solid Tissues. Cell Rep. 2014 Sep 11;8(5):1347-53
Muthalagu N, Junttila MR, Wiese KE, Wolf E, Morton J, Bauer B, Evan GI, Eilers M, Murphy DJ
Comparative landscape genetics of two river frog species occurring at different elevations on Mount Kilimanjaro. Mol Ecol. 2014 Oct;23(20):4989-5002
Zancolli G, Rödel MO, Steffan-Dewenter I, Storfer A
Cystathionase mediates senescence evasion in melanocytes and melanoma cells. Oncogene. 2014 Feb 6;33(6):771-82
Leikam C, Hufnagel A, Walz S, Kneitz S, Fekete A, Müller MJ, Eilers M, Schartl M, Meierjohann S
Megakaryocyte-specific Profilin1-deficiency alters microtubule stability and causes a Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome-like platelet defect. Nat Commun. 2014 Sep 4;5:4746
Bender M, Stritt S, Nurden P, van Eeuwijk JM, Zieger B, Kentouche K, Schulze H, Morbach H, Stegner D, Heinze KG, Dütting S, Gupta S, Witke W, Falet H, Fischer A, Hartwig JH, Nieswandt B
Quantitative super-resolution imaging of Bruchpilot distinguishes active zone states. Nat Commun. 2014 Aug 18;5:4650
Ehmann N, van de Linde S, Alon A, Ljaschenko D, Keung XZ, Holm T, Rings A, DiAntonio A, Hallermann S, Ashery U, Heckmann M, Sauer M, Kittel RJ
Specificity and transcriptional activity of microbiota associated with low and high microbial abundance sponges from the Red Sea. Mol Ecol. 2014 Mar;23(6):1348-1363
Moitinho-Silva L, Bayer K, Cannistraci CV, Giles EC, Ryu T, Seridi L, Ravasi T, Hentschel U
Targeting of preexisting and induced breast cancer stem cells with trastuzumab and trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1). Cell Death Dis. 2014 Mar 27;5:e1149
Diessner J, Bruttel V, Stein RG, Horn E, Häusler SF, Dietl J, Hönig A, Wischhusen J
Accumulation of extra-chloroplastic triacylglycerols in Arabidopsis seedlings during heat acclimation. J Exp Bot. 2015 Aug;66(15):4517-26
Mueller SP, Krause DM, Mueller MJ, Fekete A
Annual Research Review: The (epi)genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders in the era of wholegenome sequencing - unveiling the dark matter. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2015 Mar;56(3):278-95
Kiser DP, Rivero O, Lesch KP
Calcium sensor kinase activates potassium uptake systems in gland cells of Venus flytraps. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Jun 9;112(23):7309-14
Scherzer S, Böhm J, Krol E, Shabala L, Kreuzer I, Larisch C, Bemm F, Al-Rasheid KA, Shabala S, Rennenberg H, Neher E, Hedrich R
Elicitation of secondary metabolism in actinomycetes. Biotechnol Adv. 2015 Nov 1;33(6 Pt 1):798-811
Abdelmohsen UR, Grkovic T, Balasubramanian S, Kamel MS, Quinn RJ, Hentschel U
High-density preculture of PBMCs restores defective sensitivity of circulating CD8 T cells to virusand tumor-derived antigens. Blood. 2015 Jul 9;126(2):185-94
Wegner J, Hackenberg S, Scholz CJ, Chuvpilo S, Tyrsin D, Matskevich AA, Grigoleit GU, Stevanović S, Hünig T
In vitro evidence for senescent multinucleated melanocytes as a source for tumor-initiating cells. Cell Death Dis. 2015 Apr 2;6:e1711
Leikam C, Hufnagel AL, Otto C, Murphy DJ, Mühling B, Kneitz S, Nanda I, Schmid M, Wagner TU, Haferkamp S, Bröcker EB, Schartl M, Meierjohann S
ITS2 database V: Twice as much. Mol Biol Evol. 2015 Nov;32(11):3030-2
Ankenbrand MJ, Keller A, Wolf M, Schultz J, Förster F
Lifestyle evolution in cyanobacterial symbionts of sponges. MBio. 2015 Jun 2;6(3):e00391-15
Burgsdorf I, Slaby BM, Handley KM, Haber M, Blom J, Marshall CW, Gilbert JA, Hentschel U, Steindler L
Megakaryocyte rupture for acute platelet needs. J Cell Biol. 2015 May 11;209(3):327-328
Nieswandt B, Stritt S
Mutations in PNPLA6 are linked to photoreceptor degeneration and various forms of childhood blindness. Nat Commun. 2015 Jan 9;6:5614
Kmoch S, Majewski J, Ramamurthy V, Cao S, Fahiminiya S, Ren H, MacDonald IM, Lopez I, Sun V, Keser V, Khan A, Stránecký V, Hartmannová H, Přistoupilová A, Hodaňová K, Piherová L, Kuchař L, Baxová A, Chen R, Barsottini OG, Pyle A, Griffin H, Splitt M, Sallum J, Tolmie JL, Sampson JR, Chinnery P; Care4Rare Canada, Banin E, Sharon D, Dutta S, Grebler R, Helfrich-Foerster C, Pedroso JL, Kretzschmar D, Cayouette M, Koenekoop RK
Rap1-GTP-interacting adaptor molecule (RIAM) is dispensable for platelet integrin activation and function in mice. Blood. 2015 Jan 8;125(2):219-22
Stritt S, Wolf K, Lorenz V, Vögtle T, Gupta S, Bösl MR, Nieswandt B
Targeted downregulation of platelet CLEC-2 occurs through Syk-independent internalization. Blood. 2015 Jun 25;125(26):4069-77
Lorenz V, Stegner D, Stritt S, Vögtle T, Kiefer F, Witke W, Schymeinsky J, Watson SP, Walzog B, Nieswandt B
A gain-of-function variant in DIAPH1 causes dominant macrothrombocytopenia and hearing loss. Blood. 2016 Jun 9;127(23):2903-14
Stritt S, Nurden P, Turro E, Greene D, Jansen SB, Westbury SK, Petersen R, Astle WJ, Marlin S, Bariana TK, Kostadima M, Lentaigne C, Maiwald S, Papadia S, Kelly AM, Stephens JC, Penkett CJ, Ashford S, Tuna S, Austin S, Bakchoul T, Collins P, Favier R, Lambert MP, Mathias M, Millar CM, Mapeta R, Perry DJ, Schulman S, Simeoni I, Thys C, Consortium BB, Gomez K, Erber WN, Stirrups K, Rendon A, Bradley JR, van Geet C, Raymond FL, Laffan MA, Nurden AT, Nieswandt B, Richardson S, Freson K, Ouwehand WH, Mumford AD
A threshold level of NFATc1 activity facilitates thymocyte differentiation and opposes notch-driven leukaemia development. Nat Commun. 2016 Jun 17;7:11841
Klein-Hessling S, Rudolf R, Muhammad K, Knobeloch KP, Maqbool MA, Cauchy P, Andrau JC, Avots A, Talora C, Ellenrieder V, Screpanti I, Serfling E, Patra AK
BMC Biol. 2016 Mar 4;14:10
Koziol U, Jarero F, Olson PD, Brehm K
Cooperation of local motions in the Hsp90 molecular chaperone ATPase mechanism. Nat Chem Biol. 2016 Aug;12(8):628-35
Schulze A, Beliu G, Helmerich DA, Schubert J, Pearl LH, Prodromou C, Neuweiler H
Cooperation of local motions in the Hsp90 molecular chaperone ATPase mechanism. Nat Chem Biol. 2016 Aug;12(8):628-35
Schulze A, Beliu G, Helmerich DA, Schubert J, Pearl LH, Prodromou C, Neuweiler H
Defects in TRPM7 channel function deregulate thrombopoiesis through altered cellular Mg(2+) homeostasis and cytoskeletal architecture. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 29;7:11097
Stritt S, Nurden P, Favier R, Favier M, Ferioli S, Gotru SK, van Eeuwijk JM, Schulze H, Nurden AT, Lambert MP, Turro E, Burger-Stritt S, Matsushita M, Mittermeier L, Ballerini P, Zierler S, Laffan MA, Chubanov V, Gudermann T, Nieswandt B, Braun A
Different promoter affinities account for specificity in MYC-dependent gene regulation. Elife. 2016 Jul 27;5. pii: e15161
Lorenzin F, Benary U, Baluapuri A, Walz S, Jung LA, von Eyss B, Kisker C, Wolf J, Eilers M, Wolf E
Neurofilament depletion improves microtubule dynamics via modulation of Stat3/stathmin signaling. Acta Neuropathol. 2016 Jul;132(1):93-110
Yadav P, Selvaraj BT, Bender FL, Behringer M, Moradi M, Sivadasan R, Dombert B, Blum R, Asan E, Sauer M, Julien JP, Sendtner M
The CsrA-FliW network controls polar localization of the dual-function flagellin mRNA in Campylobacter jejuni. Nat Commun. 2016 May 27;7:11667
Dugar G, Svensson SL, Bischler T, Wäldchen S, Reinhardt R, Sauer M, Sharma CM
The Novel Oral Syk Inhibitor, Bl1002494, Protects Mice From Arterial Thrombosis and Thromboinflammatory Brain Infarction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 Jun;36(6):1247-53
van Eeuwijk JM, Stegner D, Lamb DJ, Kraft P, Beck S, Thielmann I, Kiefer F, Walzog B, Stoll G, Nieswandt B
The Ribosome Cooperates with the Assembly Chaperone pICln to Initiate Formation of snRNPs. Cell Rep. 2016 Sep 20;16(12):3103-12
Paknia E, Chari A, Stark H, Fischer U
TMEM16F-Mediated Platelet Membrane Phospholipid Scrambling Is Critical for Hemostasis and Thrombosis but not Thromboinflammation in Mice-Brief Report. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 Nov;36(11):2152-2157
Baig AA, Haining EJ, Geuss E, Beck S, Swieringa F, Wanitchakool P, Schuhmann MK, Stegner D, Kunzelmann K, Kleinschnitz C, Heemskerk JW, Braun A, Nieswandt B
Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies. Genome Res. 2016 Jun;26(6):812-25
Bemm F, Becker D, Larisch C, Kreuzer I, Escalante-Perez M, Schulze WX, Ankenbrand M, Van de Weyer AL, Krol E, Al-Rasheid KA, Mithöfer A, Weber AP, Schultz J, Hedrich R
Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies. Genome Res. 2016 Jun;26(6):812-25
Bemm F, Becker D, Larisch C, Kreuzer I, Escalante-Perez M, Schulze WX, Ankenbrand M, Van de Weyer AL, Krol E, Al-Rasheid KA, Mithöfer A, Weber AP, Schultz J, Hedrich R
A Cdc42/RhoA regulatory circuit downstream of glycoprotein Ib guides transendothelial platelet biogenesis. Nat Commun. 2017 Jun 15;8:15838
Dütting S, Gaits-Iacovoni F, Stegner D, Popp M, Antkowiak A, van Eeuwijk JMM, Nurden P, Stritt S, Heib T, Aurbach K, Angay O, Cherpokova D, Heinz N, Baig AA, Gorelashvili MG, Gerner F, Heinze KG, Ware J, Krohne G, Ruggeri ZM, Nurden AT, Schulze H, Modlich U, Pleines I, Brakebusch C, Nieswandt B
Chlamydia preserves the mitochondrial network necessary for replication via microRNA- dependent inhibition of fission. J Cell Biol. 2017 Apr 3;216(4):1071-1089
Chowdhury SR, Reimer A, Sharan M, Kozjak-Pavlovic V, Eulalio A, Prusty BK, Fraunholz M, Karunakaran K, Rudel T
Cysts mark the early stage of metastatic tumor development in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 30;9(5):6518-6535
Thakur C, Rapp UR, Rudel T
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglyerol synthesis augments basal thermotolerance. Plant Physiol. 2017 Sep;175(1):486-497
Mueller SP, Unger M, Guender L, Fekete A, Mueller MJ
Enhanced CAR T-cell engineering using non-viral Sleeping Beauty transposition from minicircle vectors. Leukemia. 2017 Jan;31(1):186-194
Monjezi R, Miskey C, Gogishvili T, Schleef M, Schmeer M, Einsele H, Ivics Z, Hudecek M
Flotillin scaffold activity contributes to type VII secretion system assembly in Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Nov 22;13(11):e1006728
Mielich-Süss B, Wagner RM, Mietrach N, Hertlein T, Marincola G, Ohlsen K, Geibel S, Lopez D
Impaired spliceosomal UsnRNP assembly leads to Sm mRNA down-regulation and Sm protein degradation. J Cell Biol. 2017 Aug 7;216(8):2391-2407
Prusty AB, Meduri R, Prusty BK, Vanselow J, Schlosser A, Fischer U
Impaired spliceosomal UsnRNP assembly leads to Sm mRNA down-regulation and Sm protein degradation. J Cell Biol. 2017 Aug 7;216(8):2391-2407
Prusty AB, Meduri R, Prusty BK, Vanselow J, Schlosser A, Fischer U
Integrated metabolism in sponge-microbe symbiosis revealed by genome-centered metatranscriptomics. ISME J. 2017 Jul;11(7):1651-1666
Moitinho-Silva L, Díez-Vives C, Batani G, Esteves AI, Jahn MT, Thomas T
Interleukin-2-regulatory T cell axis critically regulates maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells. Oncotarget. 2017 May 2;8(18):29625-29642
Giampaolo S, Wójcik G, Serfling E, Patra AK
Internalized TSH receptors en route to the TGN induce local Gs-protein signaling and gene transcription. Nat Commun. 2017 Sep 5;8(1):443. Erratum in: Nat Commun. 2018 Dec 19;9(1):5459
Godbole A, Lyga S, Lohse MJ, Calebiro D
Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization. ISME J. 2017 Nov;11(11):2465-2478
Slaby BM, Hackl T, Horn H, Bayer K, Hentschel U
NFAT-mediated defects in erythropoiesis cause anemia in Il2-/- mice. Oncotarget. 2017 Dec 28;9(11):9632-9644
Giampaolo S, Wójcik G, Klein-Hessling S, Serfling E, Patra AK
Saving the injured: Rescue behavior in the termite-hunting ant Megaponera analis. Sci Adv. 2017 Apr 12;3(4):e1602187
Frank ET, Schmitt T, Hovestadt T, Mitesser O, Stiegler J, Linsenmair KE
The intricate network between the p34 and p44 subunits is central to the activity of the transcription/DNA repair factor TFIIH. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Oct 13;45(18):10872-10883
Radu L, Schoenwetter E, Braun C, Marcoux J, Koelmel W, Schmitt DR, Kuper J, Cianférani S, Egly JM, Poterszman A, Kisker C
The MYC mRNA 3'-UTR couples RNA polymerase II function to glutamine and ribonucleotide levels. EMBO J. 2017 Jul 3;36(13):1854-1868
Dejure FR, Royla N, Herold S, Kalb J, Walz S, Ade CP, Mastrobuoni G, Vanselow JT, Schlosser A, Wolf E, Kempa S, Eilers M
The structural and functional characterization of human RecQ4 reveals insights into its helicase mechanism. Nat Commun. 2017 Jun 27;8:15907
Kaiser S, Sauer F, Kisker C
Thrombopoiesis is spatially regulated by the bone marrow vasculature. Nat Commun. 2017 Jul 25;8(1):127
Stegner D, vanEeuwijk JMM, Angay O, Gorelashvili MG, Semeniak D, Pinnecker J, Schmithausen P, Meyer I, Friedrich M, Dütting S, Brede C, Beilhack A, Schulze H, Nieswandt B, Heinze KG
Thrombopoiesis is spatially regulated by the bone marrow vasculature. Nat Commun. 2017 Jul 25;8(1):127
Stegner D, vanEeuwijk JMM, Angay O, Gorelashvili MG, Semeniak D, Pinnecker J, Schmithausen P, Meyer I, Friedrich M, Dütting S, Brede C, Beilhack A, Schulze H, Nieswandt B, Heinze KG
Twinfilin 2a is a regulator of platelet reactivity and turnover in mice. Blood. 2017 Oct 12;130(15):1746-1756
Stritt S, Beck S, Becker IC, Vögtle T, Hakala M, Heinze KG, Du X, Bender M, Braun A, Lappalainen P, Nieswandt B
CAR T-cells targeting FLT3 have potent activity against FLT3-ITD+ AML and act synergistically with the FLT3-inhibitor crenolanib. Leukemia. 2018 May;32(5):1168-1179
Jetani H, Garcia-Cadenas I, Nerreter T, Thomas S, Rydzek J, Meijide JB, Bonig H, Herr W, Sierra J, Einsele H, Hudecek M
CRISPR RNA-Dependent Binding and Cleavage of Endogenous RNAs by the Campylobacter jejuni Cas9. Mol Cell. 2018 Mar 1;69(5):893-905.e7
Dugar G, Leenay RT, Eisenbart SK, Bischler T, Aul BU, Beisel CL, Sharma CM
Genome organization and DNA accessibility control antigenic variation in trypanosomes. Nature. 2018 Nov;563(7729):121-125
Müller LSM, Cosentino RO, Förstner KU, Guizetti J, Wedel C, Kaplan N, Janzen CJ, Arampatzi P, Vogel J, Steinbiss S, Otto TD, Saliba AE, Sebra RP, Siegel TN
GPVI signaling is compromised in newly formed young platelets after acute thrombocytopenia in mice. Blood. 2018 Mar 8;131(10):1106-1110
Gupta S, Cherpokova D, Spindler M, Morowski M, Bender M, Nieswandt B
Macrophage-Derived Extracellular Succinate Licenses Neural Stem Cells to Suppress Chronic Neuroinflammation. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Mar 1;22(3):355-368.e13
Peruzzotti-Jametti L, Bernstock JD, Vicario N, Costa ASH, Kwok CK, Leonardi T, Booty LM, Bicci I, Balzarotti B, Volpe G, Mallucci G, Manferrari G, Donegà M, Iraci N, Braga A, Hallenbeck JM, Murphy MP, Edenhofer F, Frezza C, Pluchino S
Marine Sponges as Chloroflexi Hot Spots: Genomic Insights and High-Resolution Visualization of an Abundant and Diverse Symbiotic Clade. mSystems. 2018 Dec 26;3(6). pii: e00150-18
Bayer K, Jahn MT, Slaby BM, Moitinho-Silva L, Hentschel U
Memory enhancement by ferulic acid ester across species. Sci Adv. 2018 Oct 24;4(10):eaat6994
Michels B, Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lushchak O, Franke K, Endres T, Fendt M, Song I, Bakr M, Budragchaa T, Westermann B, Mishra D, Eschbach C, Schreyer S, Lingnau A, Vahl C, Hilker M, Menzel R, Kähne T, Leßmann V, Dityatev A, Wessjohann L, Gerber B
Stress-induced host membrane remodeling protects from infection by non-motile bacterial pathogens. EMBO J. 2018 Dec 3;37(23). pii: e98529
Tawk C, Nigro G, Rodrigues Lopes I, Aguilar C, Lisowski C, Mano M, Sansonetti P, Vogel J, Eulalio A
ZFAND1 Recruits p97 and the 26S Proteasome to Promote the Clearance of Arsenite-Induced Stress Granules. Mol Cell. 2018 Jun 7;70(5):906-919.e7
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