The goal of this project is a theoretical investigation of particle advection, manipulation and mixing in micro- and nanoscale fluid devices. It is planned to investigate basic questions of single- and many- particle manipulation, collective transport effects, influence of boundaries and interparticle interactions on the dynamics of a system at different length scales. In addition, specific application to concrete setups close to experimentally important situations is planned. The main technique for particle manipulation will be traveling wave dielectrophoresis (DEP). However, because of an electro-vibration analogy it should be possible to extend our approach for acoustic manipulation. In a close collaboration with experimental groups on mixing, DEP and acoustic particle manipulation we will consider the possibilities of capture, accumulation and focusing mixing of particles in small-scale flows.In the spirit of bridging the length scales, for the same problems we will apply two different tech- niques: (i) conventional hydrodynamics, (ii) mesoscopic multi-particle collision dynamics. Such a complementary approach is a reasonable way not only to get a deep insight into the dynamics at small scales but also to determine the limits up to which the micro mechanisms dominate and cannot be neglected, an important question that cannot be properly answered with only one technique. We will start with the analysis of the dynamics of a single particle in a fluid flow. At the second step, this consideration will be generalized for the case of many interacting particles. Next, we will concentrate on the behavior of the system close to a boundary to study the impact of the boundary. The last basic step will be application of the studied effects and experimental implementation.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes