Transcriptional control of endothelial tip cell function by Neuronal helix-loop-helix PAS (Per-ARNT-Sim) 4 -NPAS4-
Final Report Abstract
In this project we characterized the transcription factor NPAS4 as an endothelial regulator of angiogenic sprouting and tip cell formation. NPAS4 is a novel transcription factor belonging to the HLH-PAS family. It was originally identified in drosophila and is necessary for tip cell fusion of the bronchial tubes in this species. Our data show for the first time that NPAS4 is expressed in endothelial cells. It is necessary and sufficient to induce endotheliacel cell sprouting and supports tip cell formation. We have located NPAS4 upstream of dll4, a notch signaling molecule and of VE- cadherin –both known to be involved in vascular sprouting. We have used several animal models to confirm our vitro findings. Thus NPAS4 is a novel transcription factor that controls endothelial cell sprouting and may serve as a target in future studies.
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