Project Details
Holistic approach to the bacterial genetic regulation system
Professor Dr. Georgi Muskhelishvili
Subject Area
General Genetics and Functional Genome Biology
from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 243154253
Final Report Year
No abstract available
(2013) DNA thermodynamic stability and supercoil dynamics determine the gene expression program during the bacterial growth cycle. Mol BioSyst 9, 1643-1651
Sobetzko P, Glinkowska M, Travers A & Muskhelishvili G
(2015) Chromosomal "stress-response" domains govern the spatiotemporal expression of the bacterial virulence program. MBio 6 (3) e00353-15
Jiang X, Sobetzko P, Nasser W, Reverchon S and Muskhelishvili G
(2015) Chromosomal position shift of a regulatory gene alters the bacterial phenotype. Nucl Acids Res 43, 8215- 8226
Gerganova V, Berger M, Zaldastanishvili E, Sobetzko P, Lafon C, Mourez M, Travers A and Muskhelishvili G
(2015) Upstream binding of idling RNA polymerase modulates transcription initiation from a nearby promoter. J Biol Chem 290: 8095-109
Gerganova V, Maurer S, Stoliar L, Japaridze A, Nasser W, Kutateladze T, Travers A and Muskhelishvili G
(2016) Global transcriptional response of Dickeya dadantii to environmental stimuli relevant to the plant infection. Environ Microbiol 18(11), 3651-3672
Jiang X, Zghidi-Abouzid O, Oger-Desfeux C, Hommais F, Greliche N, Muskhelishvili G, Nasser W, Reverchon S
(2016) Temporal control of Dickeya dadantii main virulence gene expression by growth phase-dependent alteration of regulatory nucleoprotein complexes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1859(11), 1470-1480
Duprey A, Muskhelishvili G, Reverchon S, Nasser W
(2016) Virulence Program of a Bacterial Plant Pathogen: The Dickeya Model. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2016; 142:511-92
Reverchon S, Muskhelisvili G, Nasser W
(2017) Spatial organization of DNA sequences directs the assembly of bacterial chromatin by a nucleoid-associated protein. J Biol Chem 292(18):7607-7618
Japaridze A, Renevey S, Sobetzko P, Stoliar L, Nasser W, Dietler G and Muskhelishvili G