Precision theory of muonic hydrogen and other light hydrogen-like atoms
Final Report Abstract
The purpose of the project was to consider the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen, energy levels in other muonic atoms and the hyperfine interval in muonium, as well as the anomalous magnetic moment of muon. We focus on those observables because in some of them there have been observed certain discrepancies. We have studied theory of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen and other muonic atoms with the nuclear spin 1/2. For the former we prepared a review, where we reevaluated most of the known QED contributions for muonic hydrogen, and pay a special attention to estimation due to the uncertainty of nuclear structure effects. The QED results were generalized to the other light muonic atoms with the nuclear spin 1/2 and in particular in muonic tritium and muonic helium-3 ion. We also discuss there the accuracy of the nuclear-structure contributions. Additionally we have studied some contributions fort other muonic atoms, muonium and positronium. We also studied new data relevant for the evaluation of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon.
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S.G. Karshenboim, D. McKeen, and M. Pospelov
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S.G. Karshenboim
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S.G. Karshenboim
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S.G. Karshenboim, V.G. Ivanov, and M. Amusia
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S.G. Karshenboim, E.Yu. Korzinin, V.A. Shelyuto, and V.G. Ivanov
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S. Karshenboim, E.Yu. Korzinin, V.A. Shelyuto, and V.G. Ivanov
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S. Eidelman
Theory of the Lamb shift in muonic tritium and the muonic 3He ion, Physical Review, v. A 96, 022505 (2017)
S. Karshenboim, E.Yu. Korzinin, V.A. Shelyuto, and V.G. Ivanov