Understanding the composition and physical properties of the Earth's transition zone and lower mantle and the processes governing their behavior is one of the grand challenges in modern Geoscience. One of the large gaps in our knowledge concerning the Earth's mantle is the role of carbonates. It is possible that > 90 % of the Earth's carbon is contained in the deep Earth and it is estimated that 0.9 - 1.8 Tmol carbon is subducted per year, mainly in the form of carbonates. Evidence for primary carbonate in magmas coming from depths > 150 km has long been available and diamonds formed at great depths (> 660 km) have been found. However, experimental support for the conclusions drawn from analyzing natural samples is very scarce, simply because the number of experiments in which structure-property relations of carbonates have been determined at pressures above 20 - 30 GPa and high temperatures is very small due to the significant technical difficulties which have to be overcome. The focus of the work carried out in the first funding period (2015-2017) of the Research Unit DFG-FOR2125 was to develop methods which will allow us to carry out experiments leading to a better understanding of phase relations, and the crystal chemistry and physical properties of carbonates at mantle conditions. In the second funding period, we will use these methods in the framework of nine interlinked projects to study reactions of carbonates with silicates and oxides, to understand and properties of carbonates with tetrahedrally coordinated carbon, and to investigate structural, electronic and physical properties of carbonates at mantle conditions. The research unit draws on the expertise and instrumentation available in groups in Frankfurt, Bayreuth, Berlin/Potsdam, Dortmund, Freiberg, Köln, and Hamburg/Schenefeld. which mutually complement each other.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Carbonates under shock compression: stability, phase transitions, and chemical reactions with silicates
Kroke, Edwin
Chemical reactions between carbonates and pyrolite mantle and the origin of ultra-deep diamonds
Dubrovinsky, Leonid
Coordination of the research unit 2125
Winkler, Björn
Elastic properties of carbonates at high pressures and temperatures
McCammon, Catherine
Elasticity and structure evolution of carbonates at upper mantle conditions
Speziale, Sergio
Winkler, Björn
Electronic structure of Fe/Mg carbonates at conditions of the Earth's lower mantle: Implications for the formation of tetrahedrally coordinated carbon
Sternemann, Christian
Wilke, Max
Phase relations and melting in the system CaCO3 und MgCO3 at high pressures and temperatures
Koch-Müller, Monika
Reichmann, Ph.D., Hans Josef
Phase stabilities of carbonates and reaction between carbonates and mantle minerals at high pressures and temperatures studied in the LH-DAC by Raman and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy
Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren
Winkler, Björn
Structural, electronic and thermodynamic properties of carbonates at high pressures and
temperatures by in situ spectroscopy and atomic-scale simulations
Efthymiopoulos, Ilias
Jahn, Sandro
Koch-Müller, Monika
X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of element redistribution processes between carbonates and mantle phases at lower mantle conditions
Appel, Karen
Wilke, Max