First steps towards atomic physics of fast ion-slow ion collisions

Applicants Dr. Alexandre Gumberidze; Professor Dr. Thomas Stöhlker
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2013 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 242466942

Final Report

Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

In the framework of the Fit-FISIC (First steps towards atomic physics of Fast Ion – Slow Ion Collisions) project, we, the FSU and GSI teams, have achieved basically all the goals which were set at the time of the application. Namely, we have performed calculations and identified the proper stripper material and thicknesses in order produce needed charge states for the wide variety of ions and beam energies. We performed ion-optical simulations of the S3 beamline at SPIRAL2 and thus defined the needed minimum size of the detector for the fast ions. Taking into account this and several other challenging requirements; such high rate capability, high radiation hardness, UHV compatibility, excellent time resolution, etc. we have performed feasibility studies and various tests in order to come up with an optimal concept for the detector. Based on this, we have designed and built the detectors for the fast ions based on two different concepts; CVD diamonds (in close collaboration with the GSI detector laboratory) and YAP:Ce scintillators. Both of the detector types are designed to be UHV compatible and have already been successfully tested in the laboratory. Furthermore, our detectors based on the YAP:Ce scintillators are already installed and used at CRYRING@ESR. Initially, when the application was submitted, it was planned to install the FISIC setup first at the S3 beamline at SPIRAL2 and then, as a next step, to move it to CRYRING@ESR (in order to extend the studies towards heavier ions). At the beginning of 2019 we learned that the construction of the S3 beamline at SPIRAL2 has been significantly delayed. On the other hand, the CRYRING@ESR has meanwhile been installed at GSI / FAIR and has already started operation. Taking into account this change of the timeline of the two facilities, the project team (including German and French partners) organized in 2019 a meeting at INSP where it was unanimously decided to start the FISIC measurement campaign at CRYRING@ESR. In order to accomplish this goal, we have acquired vacuum equipment needed to install and integrate the slow-ion branch for the FISIC setup into UHV environment of the CRYRING@ESR. These include pumps, controllers, vacuum diagnostics (from companies Pfeiffer and Agilent), as well as UHV valves from company VAT. With this equipment, including the slow-ion branch which has been built by our French partners (in the framework of this project), the entire FISIC setup can be considered as ready for installation, commissioning and experiments at the CRYRING@ESR at GSI / FAIR. The exact time for this depends on the beam time allocation at GSI and is currently not exactly known. According to current planning / assessment, we expect that the FISIC experiment campaign at CRYRING@ESR can start in 2023 with transport, installation, and first tests starting in 2022.


DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France
Major Instrumentation Chamber and detection systems for High energy ions
Part of the detection systems for High energy ions
Instrumentation Group 0260 Strahlungsmeßplätze (außer 033, 330-339, 405 und 615-619)
Participating Institution CIMAP
Centre de Recherche sur les Ions, les Matériaux et la Photonique
; Université Paris 6 - CNRS
Institut des Nanosciences de Paris
Partner Organisation Agence Nationale de la Recherche / The French National Research Agency
Participating Persons Dr. Angela Bräuning-Demian; Thomas Köhler; Dr. Günter Weber