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GSC 86:  Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Subject Area Psychology
Term from 2006 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24184485
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

Central questions about the human mind − including perception and consciousness, language, cognitive development, and mental disorders − can only be addressed through the cooperation of various disciplines such as philosophy, linguistics, computer science, psychology and neuroscience. Ever since the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (M&B) was successful in the first round of the Excellence Initiative, the graduate school's three-year English-language doctoral program has prepared students for challenging interdisciplinary research tasks and has achieved numerous successes that have been widely recognized both nationally and internationally. Having received another award in the 2012 round of the Excellence competition, M&B included the new research topic social cognition, established a two-year English-language Master's program, and set up a unique postdoctoral program with research funding and numerous career development measures for almost 40 postdoctoral researchers (completed in 2019). The M&B doctoral program and the Master’s program will be continued with the support of HU Berlin after funding by the Excellence Initiative has ended. Since 2006, 85 doctoral candidates have graduated from the M&B program, 69 (= 80%) with an average thesis completion time of 3.2 years. The drop-out rate is very low at 6.5%. Currently, the school has 67 active doctoral members. Candidates and alumni have published several hundred own papers in the most important journals and publishing houses and have achieved outstanding positions in the scientific community: 5 alumni have been appointed to regular professorships, 7 to group leader positions, many more to postdoctoral positions world-wide. It can be stated that after 13 years our original goal has been achieved and M&B has become central to the close networking in the Berlin metropolitan area of university (HU, TU and FU Berlin, U Potsdam, U Magdeburg, U Leipzig), clinical (Charité) and non-university research (Max Planck Institutes Berlin/Leipzig). Consequently, in January 2017, M&B was awarded the first prize as "Einstein Doctoral Programme" by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. After Excellence Initiative funding has expired, M&B receives substantial basic funding from HU Berlin. In addition, we started new research initiatives quite a while ago all of which have turned out successful. Among them are the Einstein Center for Neurosciences and the Cluster of Excellence 2002 Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) (TU/HU Berlin) -- M&B is setting up and managing the graduate school within the cluster. M&B members made a successful bid for Research Training Group 2386 "Extrospection”, and M&B is one of the hosting institutions for doctoral candidates and fast-track students of the new Max Planck School of Cognition. Finally, M&B is in the process of establishing an Einstein Profile Professorship “Social Intelligence” which will strengthen links with SCIoI and ensure the teaching for our Master’s program.

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