The Computer program "Oxygen-XML-Editor" written for the new edition of "Abteilung I" of the "Akademie-Ausgabe" by Walter de Gruyter press was only ocompleted with a delay of 2.5 years. For this reason, the project "Edition und Interpretation von Kants "Tugendlehre" (Akademie-Ausgabe)" could not come to a conclusion within the scheduled time table. So far, the text of the "Tugendlehre" as well the editorial apparatus and the index have only been written in Word; they now need to be transfered into the "Oxygen-XML-Editor" and then checked again in reference to the original editions. This is very labor-intensive, in need of a particular accuracy and hence also very time-consuming. Means will be requested for a substitute (one semester) in order that the head of the project (applicant) can fully devote himself to this editorial work without being burdened by teaching and administrative duties.
DFG Programme
Research Grants