The leak in the phosphorus cycle - exploring the mechanisms and controls of phosphorus leaching in soils of acquiring and recycling forest ecosystems

Applicant Dr. Klaus Kaiser
Subject Area Soil Sciences
Term from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 241226483

Project Description

During ecosystem development, forest ecosystems gradually change from the acquisition of rock P to the recycling of organic P. Orthophosphate and dissolved organic P (DOP) are released in the organic layers and partly leached into the mineral soil. Our results obtained during phase 1 of the main project indicate decreasing leaching of orthophosphate from organic layers with increasing recycling tendency of the forest ecosystems. In comparison, DOP does not decrease much. Most DOP is not enzymatic hydrolysable, and consequently bioavailability is little. Orthophosphate decreases with depth in the mineral soil; the decline in DOP is less strong. Likely, DOP contributes substantially to the steady P loss from all forest ecosystems, but also orthophosphate is not retained completely in the mineral soil. Yet, the factors controlling the differential production of dissolved P in organic layers of acquiring and recycling forest ecosystems are not resolved. Also, the causes for the steady leaching of dissolved P are not fully understood.The proposed work aims at exploring the mechanisms and controls of the mobilization and leaching of P in forest ecosystems.Mobilization of P in organic layers will be assessed by measuring the release of P forms and DOP bioavailability in the SPP-fertilization experiment and in microcosms with organic matter of different quality. Also, we will trace the fate of 13C-labelled compounds to determine DOP turnover and the rate limiting steps in the mobilization process. By measuring P leaching with and without nutrient fertilization and from substrates with differing stoichiometry (C:P:N ratios), we can deduce if DOP production is driven by P availability or is rather a byproduct of soil organic matter cycling. In climate chambers, we will estimate the temperature dependency of P mobilization processes, which is a key factor in the P cycle.One possible cause for the mobility of dissolved P is colloidal transport. We, thus, will analyze soil solutions for colloids by ultracentrifugation. Binding to colloids can also explain the poor enzymatic hydrolyzability of DOP. The possible release of DOP from soil matrix-bound organic P compounds will be tested by separating DOP in P-rich and P-poor fractions, combined with 14C analyzes. Characterization of dissolved P will be carried out with 31P-NMR, which is often limited by the small amounts of P in subsoil solutions. Therefore, we will employ XPS with Ag anode excitation to determine P binding forms in small samples. Part of the project will be dedicated to the development of this new method.In order to generalize the obtained results, we will determine dissolved P in soil waters sampled sporadically at a number of additional forest sites. Finally, we will contribute to the synthesis on transport- and flux-related results within main project, which is a prerequisite for the modeling of the P cycle in forest ecosystems.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Subproject of SPP 1685:  Ecosystem Nutrition: Forest Strategies for Limited Phosphorus Resources
International Connection Switzerland
Partner Organisation Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
Co-Investigators Dr. Frank Hagedorn; Professor Dr. Robert Mikutta