GSC 14:  Berlin Mathematical School (BMS)

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2006 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24061210

Final Report

Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is the joint graduate school of the mathematics departments at the three major Berlin universities. Funded by the Excellence Initiative from November 2006 until the end of 2018, the BMS started in full swing in fall 2006, and quickly implemented the complete agenda of the 2006 proposal: It established a new course program, coordinated across the three universities and taught in English; it started active advertising, targeting top students and especially excellent female students; it built up a diverse, international body of students to whom it offers active mentoring, supervision, and support by the BMS One-Stop Office; and it set up lounges and office space at all three universities. During the second funding period starting in 2012, the BMS added new components and strategies, including a postdoctoral program. These additions supported the BMS objective of being a permanent framework for excellence in mathematics graduate studies, benefiting the whole of Berlin mathematics, and competing worldwide for the best students. The BMS was established as a permanent institution that has grown into its full format with over 170 students. The graduate program consists of a course phase (Phase I, three to four semesters) leading from the bachelor’s level to a master’s degree, and a thesis phase (Phase II, four to six semesters) leading to a doctoral degree at one of the universities. Over 300 students have now completed doctorates within the program with excellent results and gone on to successful careers in academia or industry. The students have shown great initiative in organizing additional activities and building a sense of belonging to the “BMS Family”. The success of the BMS is based on four key elements:  The structured graduate program including the course program taught in English by BMS faculty members, the BMS Friday Colloquia, and soft-skills seminars.  The full integration of BMS students into Berlin’s active research environment in pure and applied mathematics, including RTGs, IMPRSs, CRCs, and other research projects. This integration was aided by the BMS postdoctoral program.  The professional management, which coordinates all aspects of the BMS – including recruiting and mentoring of students – and runs the BMS One-Stop Office.  The effective quality control over all aspects of the BMS: advertising and admissions, the study program, student performance, teaching, and the mentoring program. Through these the BMS has had significant structural impact on its host universities. Because of its success, the BMS became an integral part of the application for the Cluster of Excellence MATH+. With the success of MATH+ in the Excellence Strategy, the BMS will be augmented as the MATH+ graduate school and can continue to act as a role model for excellent graduate education.

Link to the final report


DFG Programme Graduate Schools
Applicant Institution Technische Universität Berlin
Co-Applicant Institution Freie Universität Berlin; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Spokespersons Professor Dr. Jürg Kramer, from 7/2014 until 6/2016; Professor John M. Sullivan, Ph.D., from 7/2018 until 10/2019; Professor Dr. Günter M. Ziegler, from 7/2016 until 5/2018
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Klaus Altmann; Professorin Dr. Helga Baum; Professor Dr. Alexander I. Bobenko; Professor Dr. Jochen Brüning; Professor Dr. Klaus Ecker; Professor Dr. Gavril Farkas; Professor Dr. Peter Karl Friz; Professor Dr. Martin Grötschel; Professor Dr. Michael Hintermüller; Professorin Dr. Olga Holtz; Professor Dr. Gerhard Huisken; Professor Dr. Peter Imkeller; Professor Dr.-Ing. Rupert Klein; Professor Dr. Ralf Kornhuber; Professor Dr. Volker Mehrmann; Professor Dr. Alexander Mielke; Professor Dr. Holger Reich; Professor Dr. Markus Reiß; Professor Dr. Reinhold Schneider; Professor Dr. Christof Schütte; Professor Dr. Martin Skutella