The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is a joint initiative of the mathematics departments at FU, HU, and TU Berlin. Its mission is to create and to establish as a permanent institution a first-rate mathematics graduate school, which combines the broad expertise in mathematics at the three Berlin universities into an excellent environment for graduate studies. It strives to compete with the best mathematics institutes worldwide for the most talented students.
The concept of the BMS is based on three key elements:
(1) a new structured study programme, taught in English, consisting of basic courses with a fixed curriculum, a broad spectrum of advanced courses, and many specialised events involving distinguished international visitors and guests;
(2) a professional management that coordinates all components of the BMS, such as the study and visitor programme, a recruiting process that ensures the excellence of admitted students while aiming at gender equality and a broad participation of foreign students, a new mentoring programme, and outreach activities;
(3) efficient quality management, which monitors all aspects of the school, including student progress and performance, the mentoring, and the study programme.
The BMS is setting up a new two-phase PhD programme. Phase 1 (three to four semesters) leads from a bachelor degree level to an oral qualifying exam. Phase 2 (four to six semesters) is dedicated to thesis research, preferably within one of the focussed training programmes provided by Research Training Groups and International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS), or in research projects such as the DFG Research Centre MATHEON, the Collaborative Research Centre "Space, Time, Matter", or one of the interdisciplinary projects. The BMS integrates mathematics Research Training Groups and IMPRS as certified units that provide the research environment and supervision for Phase 2 students.
The BMS implements a study programme for Phase 1 that covers both a broad mathematical background and the specialisation required for high-level research. On four days of the week, lectures are offered at the mathematics departments of the three universities, with a coordinated schedule. On Fridays, common activities such as seminars and colloquia take place at the Urania, Berlin.
DFG Programme
Graduate Schools