EXC 4: Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)
Final Report Abstract
The Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) was funded as a Cluster of Excellence by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Initiative between November 2006 and October 2019. The Cluster brought together more than 60 research groups in the Munich area and merged their interdisciplinary expertise in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, biology, pharmacy and medicine into a coherent nanoscience cluster. While many individual nanoscale building blocks and components had already been devised in the early 2000s, their integration into entire functional systems had not been attempted. Hence, the overarching vision of NIM was to realize and achieve control of a broad range of multi-functional nanoscale systems, to operate them in complex and realistic environments, and to unlock their potential for applications in fields as diverse as information and energy technologies and the life sciences. Research areas dominated by quantum effects included single-electron and -spin behavior at ultra-low temperatures, nanophotonic systems, and the investigation of practical strategies for quantum computation. These were complemented by research areas that addressed the realization of extremely sensitive nanosensors, artificial and natural molecular machines, nanoscale objects and vehicles in live cells, and drug delivery nanosystems. In the second funding period, the original research areas were complemented by “Nanosystems for Energy Conversion”, focusing on nanotechnological solutions for the conversion of light into other forms of energy. The highly interdisciplinary nature of this cluster ensured the efficient utilization of synergies and an internationally competitive research program, generated a stimulating environment for graduate education, and provided ideal conditions for technological innovation. One of the main structural goals of NIM was to establish a world-leading nanoscience research site in Germany, attracting the most gifted young scientists in the field. Special emphasis was put on early independence of junior scientists, offering them competitive start-up packages, seed-funding and tenure-track professorships to provide a long-term career perspective. NIM scientists published more than 2500 articles in the most highly ranked scientific journals. In addition, the cluster generated numerous patents, awards, prizes and grants from the European Research Council (ERC) as well as a series of globally successful spin-off companies. NIM also gained world-wide visibility by initiating active partnerships with leading nano-centers such as the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), by running a Graduate Program, by effective outreach activities, and by organizing a series of international conferences. NIM has set the ground for a number of new initiatives, and we anticipate that also in future projects within the exciting field of nano research the Munich area will continue to act as a leading hub with worldwide visibility.
Link to the final report
"Visualizing single-molecule diffusion in mesoporous materials", Nature 450, 705 (2007)
A. Zürner, J. Kirstein, M. Döblinger, C. Bräuchle, and T. Bein
"Single-molecule cut-and-paste surface assembly", Science 319, 594 (2008)
S. K. Kufer, E. M. Puchner, H. Gumpp, T. Liedl, and H. E. Gaub
"Subdiffraction multicolor imaging of the nuclear periphery with 3d structured illumination microscopy", Science 320, 1332 (2008)
L. Schermelleh, P. M. Carlton, S. Haase, L. Shao, L. Winoto, P. Kner, B. Burke, M. C. Cardoso, D. A. Agard, M. G. L. Gustafsson, H. Leonhardt, and J. W. Sedat
"Hybridization kinetics is different inside cells", P Natl Acad Sci USA 106, 21649 (2009)
I. Schoen, H. Krammer, and D. Braun
"Universal transduction scheme for nanomechanical systems based on dielectric forces", Nature 458, 1001 (2009)
Q. P. Unterreithmeier, E. M. Weig, and J. P. Kotthaus
"A programmable DNA-based molecular valve for colloidal mesoporous silica", Angew Chem Int Ed 49, 4734 (2010)
A. Schlossbauer, S. Warncke, P. M. Gramlich, J. Kecht, A. Manetto, T. Carell, and T. Bein
"Protein-binding assays in biological liquids using microscale thermophoresis", Nat Commun 1, (2010)
C. J. Wienken, P. Baaske, U. Rothbauer, D. Braun, and S. Duhr
"Live-cell visualization of dynamics of hiv budding site interactions with an escrt component", Nat Cell Biol 13, 469 (2011)
V. Baumgärtel, S. Ivanchenko, A. Dupont, M. Sergeev, P. W. Wiseman, H.-G. Kräusslich, C. Bräuchle, B. Müller, and D. C. Lamb
"Quantum quench of kondo correlations in optical absorption", Nature 474, 627 (2011)
C. Latta, F. Haupt, M. Hanl, A. Weichselbaum, M. Claassen, W. Wuester, P. Fallahi, S. Faelt, L. Glazman, J. von Delft, H. E. Türeci, and A. Imamoglu
"Solid-phase synthesis of sequence-defined t- , i-, and u-shape polymers for pdna and sirna delivery", Angew Chem Int Ed 50, 8986 (2011)
D. Schaffert, C. Troiber, E. E. Salcher, T. Frohlich, I. Martin, N. Badgujar, C. Dohmen, D. Edinger, R. Klager, G. Maiwald, K. Farkasova, S. Seeber, K. Jahn-Hofmann, P. Hadwiger, and E. Wagner
"Structure of human mitochondrial rna polymerase", Nature 478, 269 (2011)
R. Ringel, M. Sologub, Y. I. Morozov, D. Litonin, P. Cramer, and D. Temiakov
"Antenna-enhanced photocurrent microscopy on single-walled carbon nanotubes at 30 nm resolution", Acs Nano 6, 6416 (2012)
N. Rauhut, M. Engel, M. Steiner, R. Krupke, P. Avouris, and A. Hartschuh
"Ctd tyrosine phosphorylation impairs termination factor recruitment to rna polymerase ii", Science 336, 1723 (2012)
A. Mayer, M. Heidemann, M. Lidschreiber, A. Schreieck, M. Sun, C. Hintermair, E. Kremmer, D. Eick, and P. Cramer
"DNA-based self-assembly of chiral plasmonic nanostructures with tailored optical response", Nature 483, 311 (2012)
A. Kuzyk, R. Schreiber, Z. Fan, G. Pardatscher, E. M. Roller, A. Högele, F. C. Simmel, A. O. Govorov, and T. Liedl
"Entropic splitter for particle separation", Phys Rev Lett 108, 020604 (2012)
D. Reguera, A. Luque, P. S. Burada, G. Schmid, J. M. Rubí, and P. Hänggi
"Experimental verification of landauer’s principle linking information and thermodynamics", Nature 483, 187 (2012)
A. Bérut, A. Arakelyan, A. Petrosyan, S. Ciliberto, R. Dillenschneider, and E. Lutz
"Nanosized multifunctional polyplexes for receptor-mediated sirna delivery", Acs Nano 6, 5198 (2012)
C. Dohmen, D. Edinger, T. Frohlich, L. Schreiner, U. Lachelt, C. Troiber, J. Radler, P. Hadwiger, H. P. Vornlocher, and E. Wagner
"Phononics: Manipulating heat flow with electronic analogs and beyond", Rev Mod Phys 84, 1045 (2012)
N. Li, J. Ren, L. Wang, G. Zhang, P. Hänggi, and B. W. Li
"Photocurrent of a single photosynthetic protein", Nat Nanotechnol 7, 673 (2012)
D. Gerster, J. Reichert, H. Bi, J. V. Barth, S. M. Kaniber, A. W. Holleitner, I. Visoly-Fisher, S. Sergani, and I. Carmeli
"Rapid folding of DNA into nanoscale shapes at constant temperature", Science 338, 1458 (2012)
J.-P. J. Sobczak, T. G. Martin, T. Gerling, and H. Dietz
"Structure and function of the initially transcribing rna polymerase ii–tfiib complex", Nature 493, 437 (2012)
S. Sainsbury, J. Niesser, and P. Cramer
"Structure of the mediator head module", Nature 492, 448 (2012)
L. Larivière, C. Plaschka, M. Seizl, L. Wenzeck, F. Kurth, and P. Cramer
"Synthetic lipid membrane channels formed by designed DNA nanostructures", Science 338, 932 (2012)
M. Langecker, V. Arnaut, T. G. Martin, J. List, S. Renner, M. Mayer, H. Dietz, and F. C. Simmel
"Bright, long-lived and coherent excitons in carbon nanotube quantum dots", Nat Nanotechnol 8, 502 (2013)
M. S. Hofmann, J. T. Glückert, J. Noé, C. Bourjau, R. Dehmel, and A. Högele
"Broadly tunable terahertz generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers", Nat Commun 4, 2021 (2013)
K. J. Vijayraghavan, Y., M. Jang, A. Jiang, K. Choutagunta, A. Vizbaras, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann, and M. A. Belkin
"Cell type determines the light-induced endosomal escape kinetics of multifunctional mesoporous silica nanoparticles", Nano Lett 13, 1047 (2013)
M. P. Dobay, A. Schmidt, E. Mendoza, T. Bein, and J. O. Radler
"Microscopic origin of the ‘0.7-anomaly’ in quantum point contacts", Nature 501, 73 (2013)
F. Bauer, J. Heyder, E. Schubert, D. Borowsky, D. Taubert, B. Bruognolo, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, J. von Delft, and S. Ludwig
"Negative absolute temperature for motional degrees of freedom", Science 339, 52 (2013)
S. Braun, J. P. Ronzheimer, M. Schreiber, S. S. Hodgman, T. Rom, I. Bloch, and U. Schneider
"Antenna-enhanced optoelectronic probing of carbon nanotubes", Nano Lett 14, 3773 (2014)
N. Mauser, N. Hartmann, M. S. Hofmann, J. Janik, A. Högele, and A. Hartschuh
"Giant nonlinear response from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions", Nature 511, 65 (2014)
J. Lee, M. Tymchenko, C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann, A. Alu, and M. A. Belkin
"Hierarchical assembly of metal nanoparticles, quantum dots and organic dyes using DNA origami scaffolds", Nat Nanotechnol 9, 74 (2014)
R. Schreiber, J. Do, E. M. Roller, T. Zhang, V. J. Schüller, P. C. Nickels, J. Feldmann, and T. Liedl
"Reconfigurable 3d plasmonic metamolecules", Nat Mater 13, 862 (2014)
A. Kuzyk, R. Schreiber, H. Zhang, A. O. Govorov, T. Liedl, and N. Liu
"Redox shuttle mechanism enhances photocatalytic h2 generation on ni-decorated cds nanorods", Nat Mater 13, 1013 (2014)
T. Simon, N. Bouchonville, M. J. Berr, A. Vaneski, A. Adrović, D. Volbers, R. Wyrwich, M. Döblinger, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, F. Jäckel, J. K. Stolarczyk, and J. Feldmann
"Redox-initiated hydrogel system for detection and real-time imaging of cellulolytic enzyme activity", ChemSusChem 7, 2759 (2014)
K. Malinowska, T. Verdorfer, A. Meinhold, L. F. Milles, V. Funk, H. E. Gaub, and M. A. Nash
"Sub-micron phase coexistence in small-molecule organic thin films revealed by infrared nano-imaging", Nat Commun 5, 4101 (2014)
C. Westermeier, A. Cernescu, S. Amarie, C. Liewald, F. Keilmann, and B. Nickel
"Ultrafast electronic readout of diamond nitrogen–vacancy centres coupled to graphene", Nat Nanotechnol 10, 135 (2014)
A. Brenneis, L. Gaudreau, M. Seifert, H. Karl, M. S. Brandt, H. Huebl, J. A. Garrido, F. H. L. Koppens, and A. W. Holleitner
"A tunable azine covalent organic framework platform for visible light-induced hydrogen genera-tion", Nat Commun 6, 8508 (2015)
V. S. Vyas, F. Haase, L. Stegbauer, G. Savasci, F. Podjaski, C. Ochsenfeld, and B. V. Lotsch
"An aharonov-bohm interferometer for determining bloch band topology", Science 347, 288 (2015)
L. Duca, T. Li, M. Reitter, I. Bloch, M. Schleier-Smith, and U. Schneider
"Cell-penetrating and neurotargeting dendritic sirna nanostructures", Angew Chem Int Ed 54, 1946 (2015)
K. Brunner, J. Harder, T. Halbach, J. Willibald, F. Spada, F. Gnerlich, K. Sparrer, A. Beil, L. Möckl, C. Bräuchle, K. K. Conzelmann, and T. Carell
"Dynamic DNA devices and assemblies formed by shapecomplementary, non–base pairing 3d components", Science 347, 1446 (2015)
T. Gerling, K. F. Wagenbauer, A. M. Neuner, and H. Dietz
"Finding optimal surface sites on heterogeneous catalysts by counting nearest neighbors", Science 350, 185 (2015)
F. Calle-Vallejo, J. Tymoczko, V. Colic, Q. H. Vu, M. D. Pohl, K. Morgenstern, D. Loffreda, P. Sautet, W. Schuhmann, and A. S. Bandarenka
"Observation of many-body localization of interacting fermions in a quasirandom optical lattice", Science 349, 842 (2015)
M. Schreiber, S. S. Hodgman, P. Bordia, H. P. Lüschen, M. H. Fischer, R. Vosk, E. Altman, U. Schneider, and I. Bloch
"Photocatalytic stability of single-and few-layer mos2", Acs Nano 9, 11302 (2015)
E. Parzinger, B. Miller, B. Blaschke, J. A. Garrido, J. W. Ager, A. W. Holleitner, and U. Wurstbauer
"Placing molecules with bohr radius resolution using DNA origami", Nat Nanotechnol 11, 47 (2015)
J. J. Funke and H. Dietz
"Protease-mediated release of chemotherapeutics from mesoporous silica nanoparticles to ex vivo human and mouse lung tumors", Acs Nano 9, 2377 (2015)
S. H. van Rijt, D. A. Bolukbas, C. Argyo, S. Datz, M. Lindner, O. Eickelberg, M. Konigshoff, T. Bein, and S. Meiners
"Quantum size effect in organometal halide perovskite nanoplatelets", Nano Lett 15, 6521 (2015)
J. A. Sichert, Y. Tong, N. Mutz, M. Vollmer, S. Fischer, K. Z. Milowska, R. García Cortadella, B. Nickel, C. Cardenas- Daw, J. K. Stolarczyk, A. S. Urban, and J. Feldmann
"Scalable fabrication of a hybrid field-effect and acousto-electric device by direct growth of monolayer mos2/linbo3", Nat Commun 6, 8593 (2015)
E. Preciado, F. J. R. Schülein, A. E. Nguyen, D. Barroso, M. Isarraraz, G. von Son, I. H. Lu, W. Michailow, B. Möller, V. Klee, J. Mann, A. Wixforth, L. Bartels, and H. J. Krenner
"Super-resolution imaging of escrt-proteins at hiv-1 assembly sites", Plos Pathog 11, e1004677 (2015)
J. Prescher, V. Baumgartel, S. Ivanchenko, A. A. Torrano, C. Brauchle, B. Muller, and D. C. Lamb
"The other qft", Nat Phys 11, 108 (2015)
P. Hänggi and P. Talkner
"Touchless optical finger motion tracking based on 2d nanosheets with giant moisture respon-siveness", Adv Mater 27, 6341 (2015)
K. Szendrei, P. Ganter, O. Sànchez-Sobrado, R. Eger, A. Kuhn, and B. V. Lotsch
"Tunable quantum confinement in ultrathin, optically active semiconductor nanowires via reverse-reaction growth", Adv Mater 27, 2195 (2015)
B. Loitsch, D. Rudolph, S. Morkötter, M. Döblinger, G. Grimaldi, L. Hanschke, S. Matich, E. Parzinger, U. Wurstbauer, G. Abstreiter, J. J. Finley, and G. Koblmüller
"Universal helimagnon and skyrmion excitations in metallic, semiconducting and insulating chiral magnets", Nat Mater 14, 478 (2015)
T. Schwarze, J. Waizner, M. Garst, A. Bauer, I. Stasinopoulos, H. Berger, C. Pfleiderer, and D. Grundler
"A single methylene group in oligoalkylamine-based cationic polymers and lipids promotes enhanced mrna delivery", Angew Chem Int Ed 55, 9591 (2016)
A. Jarzebinska, T. Pasewald, J. Lambrecht, O. Mykhaylyk, L. Kummerling, P. Beck, G. Hasenpusch, C. Rudolph, C. Plank, and C. Dohmen
"Bloch state tomography using wilson lines", Science 352, 1094 (2016)
T. Li, L. Duca, M. Reitter, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, M. Endres, M. Schleier-Smith, I. Bloch, and U. Schneider
"Broken detailed balance at mesoscopic scales in active biological systems", Science 352, 604 (2016)
C. Battle, C. P. Broedersz, N. Fakhri, V. F. Geyer, J. Howard, C. F. Schmidt, and F. C. MacKintosh
"Controllable acoustic mixing of fluids in microchannels for the fabrication of therapeutic nanoparticles", Micromachines (Basel) 7 (2016)
C. Westerhausen, L. G. Schnitzler, D. Wendel, R. Krzyszton, U. Lachelt, E. Wagner, J. O. Radler, and A. Wixforth
"Molecular docking sites designed for the generation of highly crystalline covalent organic frameworks", Nat Chem 8, 310 (2016)
L. Ascherl, T. Sick, J. T. Margraf, S. H. Lapidus, M. Calik, C. Hettstedt, K. Karaghiosoff, M. Döblinger, T. Clark, K. W. Chapman, F. Auras, and T. Bein
"Photoresponse of supramolecular self-assembled networks on graphene–diamond interfaces", Nat Commun 7, 10700 (2016)
S. Wieghold, J. Li, P. Simon, M. Krause, Y. Avlasevich, C. Li, J. A. Garrido, U. Heiz, P. Samorì, K. Müllen, F. Esch, J. V. Barth, and C. A. Palma
"Single-molecule dissection of stacking forces in DNA", Science 353 (2016)
F. Kilchherr, C. Wachauf, B. Pelz, M. Rief, M. Zacharias, and H. Dietz
"Transcript-activated collagen matrix as sustained mrna delivery system for bone regeneration", J Control Release 239, 137 (2016)
Z. S. Badieyan, T. Berezhanskyy, M. Utzinger, M. K. Aneja, D. Emrich, R. Erben, C. Schüler, P. Altpeter, M. Ferizi, G. Hasenpusch, C. Rudolph, and C. Plank
"A global resource allocation strategy governs growth transition kinetics of escherichia coli", Nature 551, 119 (2017)
D. W. Erickson, S. J. Schink, V. Patsalo, J. R. Williamson, U. Gerland, and T. Hwa
"Common coding variant in serpina1 increases the risk for large artery stroke", Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114, 3613 (2017)
R. Malik, T. Dau, M. Gonik, A. Sivakumar, D. J. Deredge, E. V. Edeleva, J. Gotzfried, S. W. van der Laan, G. Pasterkamp, N. Beaufort, S. Seixas, S. Bevan, L. F. Lincz, E. G. Holliday, A. I. Burgess, K. Rannikmae, J. Minnerup, J. Kriebel, M. Waldenberger, M. Muller-Nurasyid, P. Lichtner, D. Saleheen, P. M. Rothwell, C. Levi, J. Attia, C. L. Sudlow, D. Braun, H. S. Markus, P. L. Wintrode, K. Berger, D. E. Jenne, and M. Dichgans
"Dark photocatalysis: Storage of solar energy in carbon nitride for time-delayed hydrogen genera-tion", Angew Chem Int Ed 56, 510 (2017)
V. W. Lau, D. Klose, H. Kasap, F. Podjaski, M. C. Pignié, E. Reisner, G. Jeschke, and B. V. Lotsch
"Direct instrumental identification of catalytically active surface sites", Nature 549, 74 (2017)
J. H. K. Pfisterer, Y. Liang, O. Schneider, and A. S. Bandarenka
"Gigadalton-scale shape-programmable DNA assemblies", Nature 552, 78 (2017)
K. F. Wagenbauer, C. Sigl, and H. Dietz
"Hybrid photovoltaics – from fundamentals towards application", Advanced Energy Materials 7, 1700248 (2017)
P. Müller‐Buschbaum, M. Thelakkat, T. F. Fässler, and M. Stutzmann
"In situ study of spray deposited titania photoanodes for scalable fabrication of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells", Nano Energy 40, 317 (2017)
L. Song, W. Wang, V. Körstgens, D. Moseguí González, F. C. Löhrer, C. J. Schaffer, J. Schlipf, K. Peters, T. Bein, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, S. V. Roth, and P. Müller-Buschbaum
"Long-lived direct and indirect interlayer excitons in van der waals heterostructures", Nano Lett 9, 5229 (2017)
B. Miller, A. Steinhoff, B. Pano, J. Klein, F. Jahnke, A. W. Holleitner, and U. Wurstbauer
"Molecular engineering of chiral colloidal liquid crystals using DNA origami", Nat Mater 16, 849 (2017)
M. Siavashpouri, C. H. Wachauf, M. J. Zakhary, F. Praetorius, H. Dietz, and Z. Dogic
"Multifunctional nanoparticles by coordinative self-assembly of his-tagged units with metal-organic frameworks", J Am Chem Soc 139, 2359 (2017)
R. Roder, T. Preiss, P. Hirschle, B. Steinborn, A. Zimpel, M. Hohn, J. O. Radler, T. Bein, E. Wagner, S. Wuttke, and U. Lachelt
"Observation of the spin nernst effect", Nat Mater 16, 977 (2017)
S. Meyer, Y. T. Chen, S. Wimmer, M. Althammer, T. Wimmer, R. Schlitz, S. Geprägs, H. Huebl, D. Ködderitzsch, H. Ebert, G. E. W. Bauer, R. Gross, and S. T. B. Goennenwein
"Optovalleytronic imaging of atomically thin semiconductors", Nat Nanotechnol 12, 329 (2017)
A. Neumann, J. Lindlau, L. Colombier, M. Nutz, S. Najmaei, J. Lou, A. D. Mohite, H. Yamaguchi, and A. Högele
"Polarity control of heteroepitaxial gan nanowires on diamond", Nano Lett 17, 3582 (2017)
M. Hetzl, M. Kraut, T. Hoffmann, and M. Stutzmann
"Scalable and transfer-free fabrication of mos2/sio2 hybrid nanophotonic cavity arrays with quality factors exceeding 4000", Scientific Reports 7, 7251 (2017)
S. Hammer, H. M. Mangold, A. E. Nguyen, D. Martinez-Ta, S. Naghibi Alvillar, L. Bartels, and H. J. Krenner
"Strong evidence for d-electron spin transport at room temperature at a laalo3/srtio3 interface", Nat Mater 16, 609 (2017)
R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, K. Matsuzaki, T. Susaki, M. Weiler, S. Klingler, H. Huebl, E. Shikoh, T. Shinjo, S. T. B. Goennenwein, and M. Shiraishi
"The microstructure and micromechanics of the tendon–bone insertion", Nat Mater 16, 664 (2017)
L. Rossetti, L. A. Kuntz, E. Kunold, J. Schock, K. W. Müller, H. Grabmayr, J. Stolberg-Stolberg, F. Pfeiffer, S. A. Sieber, R. Burgkart, and A. R. Bausch
"Universal super-resolution multiplexing by DNA exchange", Angew Chem Int Ed 56, 4052 (2017)
F. Schueder, M. T. Strauss, D. Hoerl, J. Schnitzbauer, T. Schlichthaerle, S. Strauss, P. Yin, H. Harz, H. Leonhardt, and R. Jungmann
"A self-assembled nanoscale robotic arm controlled by electric fields", Science 359, 296 (2018)
E. Kopperger, J. List, S. Madhira, F. Rothfischer, D. C. Lamb, and F. C. Simmel
"Decoherence-protected memory for a singlephoton qubit", Nat Photonics 12, 18 (2018)
M. Körber, O. Morin, S. Langenfeld, A. Neuzner, S. Ritter, and G. Rempe
"Emergence of coexisting ordered states in active matter systems", Science 361, 255 (2018)
L. Huber, R. Suzuki, T. Krüger, E. Frey, and A. R. Bausch
"Exploring 4d quantum hall physics with a 2d topological charge pump", Nature 553, 55 (2018)
M. Lohse, C. Schweizer, H. M. Price, O. Zilberberg, and I. Bloch
"Grain boundaries act as solid walls for charge carrier diffusion in large crystal mapi thin films", ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 10, 7974 (2018)
R. Ciesielski, F. Schäfer, N. F. Hartmann, N. Giesbrecht, T. Bein, P. Docampo, and A. Hartschuh
"Molecular mechanism of extreme mechanostability in a pathogen adhesin", Science 359, 1527 (2018)
L. F. Milles, K. Schulten, H. E. Gaub, and R. C. Bernardi
"Optical and thermophoretic control of janus nanopen injection into living cells", Nano Lett 18, 7935 (2018)
C. M. Maier, M. A. Huergo, S. Milosevic, C. Pernpeintner, M. Li, D. P. Singh, D. Walker, P. Fischer, J. Feldmann, and T. Lohmuller
"Orchestrating cells on a chip: Employing surface acoustic waves towards the formation of neural networks", Phys Rev E 98, 012411 (2018)
M. S. Brugger, S. Grundeen, A. Doyle, L. Theogarajan, A. Wixforth, and C. Westerhausen
"Oriented films of conjugated 2d covalent organic frameworks as photocathodes for water splitting", JACS 140, 2085 (2018)
T. Sick, A. G. Hufnagel, J. Kampmann, I. Kondofersky, M. Calik, J. M. Rotter, A. Evans, M. Döblinger, S. Herbert, K. Peters, D. Böhm, P. Knochel, D. D. Medina, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, and T. Bein
"Precision and accuracy of single-molecule fret measurements—a multi-laboratory benchmark study", Nat Methods 15, 669 (2018)
B. Hellenkamp, S. Schmid, O. Doroshenko, O. Opanasyuk, R. Kühnemuth, S. Rezaei Adariani, B. Ambrose, M. Aznauryan, A. Barth, V. Birkedal, M. E. Bowen, H. Chen, T. Cordes, T. Eilert, C. Fijen, C. Gebhardt, M. Götz, G. Gouridis, E. Gratton, T. Ha, P. Hao, C. A. Hanke, A. Hartmann, J. Hendrix, L. L. Hildebrandt, V. Hirschfeld, J. Hohlbein, B. Hua, C. G. Hübner, E. Kallis, A. N. Kapanidis, J.-Y. Kim, G. Krainer, D. C. Lamb, N. K. Lee, E. A. Lemke, B. Levesque, M. Levitus, J. J. McCann, N. Naredi-Rainer, D. Nettels, T. Ngo, R. Qiu, N. C. Robb, C. Röcker, H. Sanabria, M. Schlierf, T. Schröder, B. Schuler, H. Seidel, L. Streit, J. Thurn, P. Tinnefeld, S. Tyagi, N. Vandenberk, A. M. Vera, K. R. Weninger, B. Wünsch, I. S. Yanez-Orozco, J. Michaelis, C. A. M. Seidel, T. D. Craggs, and T. Hugel
"The role of momentum-dark excitons in the elementary optical response of bilayer wse2", Nat Commun 9, 2586 (2018)
J. Lindlau, M. Selig, A. Neumann, L. Colombier, J. Förste, V. Funk, M. Förg, J. Kim, G. Berghäuser, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Wang, E. Malic, and A. Högele
"The true fate of pyridinium in the reportedly pyridinium-catalyzed carbon dioxide electroreduction on platinum", Angew Chem Int Ed 57, 14769 (2018)
P. Y. Olu, Q. Li, and K. Krischer
"Toward an aqueous solar battery: Direct electrochemical storage of solar energy in carbon ni-trides", Adv Mater 30, 1705477 (2018)
F. Podjaski, J. Kröger, and B. V. Lotsch
"Towards femtosecond on-chip electronics based on plasmonic hot electron nano-emitters", Nat Commun 9, 2471 (2018)
C. Karnetzky, P. Zimmermann, C. Trummer, C. Duque Sierra, M. Wörle, R. Kienberger, and A. W. Holleitner
"Tracking molecular diffusion in one-dimensional photonic crystals", Adv Mater 30, e1803730 (2018)
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