Project Details
Retrospective Serialization: Remaking as an Operation of cinematic Self-Historicization
Professor Dr. Frank Kelleter
Subject Area
European and American Literary and Cultural Studies
Funded in 2013
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 68338857
Final Report Year
No abstract available
"ʹThe past is never really pastʹ: Serial Storytelling from Psycho to Bates Motel." Serial Narratives. Hg. Kathleen Loock. Themenheft von LWU – Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 47.1/2 (2014): 81-95
Loock, Kathleen
"Das Remake als Fetischkunst: Gus Van Sants Psycho und die absonderlichen Serialitäten des Hollywood Kinos." POP. Kultur und Kritik 7 (2015): 152-173
Kelleter, Frank
"Zwischen Jawsmania und Sequelitis: Die Fortsetzungen von Jaws." Der weiße Hai revisited: Steven Spielbergs Jaws und die Geburt eines amerikanischen Albtraums. Hg. Wieland Schwanebeck. Berlin: Bertz+Fischer, 2015. 231-244
Loock, Kathleen
"Retro-Remaking: The 1980s Film Cycle in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema." Cycles, Sequels, Spin-Offs, Remakes, and Reboots: Multiplicities in Film and Television. Hg. Amanda Ann Klein und R. Barton Palmer. Austin, TX: U of Texas P, 2016. 277-298
Loock, Kathleen
"Sound Memories: ʹTalker Remakes,ʹ Paratexts, and the Cinematic Past." The Politics of Ephemeral Digital Media: Permanence and Obsolescence in Paratexts. Hg. Sara Pesce und Paolo Noto. New York: Routledge, 2016. 123-137
Loock, Kathleen
"Five Ways of Looking at Popular Seriality." Media of Serial Narrative. Hg. Frank Kelleter. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2017. 7-34
Kelleter, Frank
"Hollywood Remaking as Second-Order Serialization." Media of Serial Narrative. Hg. Frank Kelleter. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2017, 125-147
Kelleter, Frank und Kathleen Loock
"Remaking Funny Games: Michael Hanekeʹs Cross-Cultural Experiment." Transnational Film Remakes. Hg. Iain Robert Smith and Constantine Verevis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U P, 2017, 177-194
Loock, Kathleen