Project Details
Biogeochemistry in Zones of Fluctuating Groundwater: Alteration of Rock Surfaces and Interactions with Subsurface Colloids (C03)
Subject Area
Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Limnology, Urban Water Management, Water Chemistry, Integrated Water Resources Management
Soil Sciences
Soil Sciences
from 2013 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 218627073
The linkage of surface and subsurface ecosystems is governed by the transport of the “total mobile inventory”. Utilizing the unique infrastructure for comparative subsurface research at field sites with contrasting geology, we aim to generalize our understanding of total mobile inventory's role for the evolution of hydrogeoecological facies with focus on the aeration zone. This ambitious goal will be in reach by the synoptic analysis of long-term environmental time series that we gather from field observations and experiments targeted to uncover the key mechanisms and controls.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 1076:
AquaDiva: Understanding the Links between Surface and Subsurface Biogeosphere
Applicant Institution
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Project Heads
Dr. Valerie F. Schwab-Lavric, until 6/2017; Professor Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche