Anisotropy and Magnetism in the EuFe2As2 Family
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2013 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 237770494
The main difficulty in understanding the novel class of iron-based superconductors comes from the facts that several band cross the Fermi energy and that the metallic state reveals a complex magnetic order. Multiple orbitals complicate the normal state properties as well as the superconducting state. Among the compounds explored in the Priority Programme SPP 1458 the family of EuFe2As2 takes a unique position because the magnetic order in the Eu subsystem influences the magnetic, conducting and superconducting properties that develop in the FeAs subsystem. Our research project proposed here will concentrate on two points by addressing the nematic phase and related anisotropy in the normal and superconducting state, and the interplay of local magnetism and superonductivity with particular emphasis on effect of the localized Eu2+ magnetic moments.