Project Details
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SPP 1740:  The Influence of Local Transport Processes on Chemical Reactions in Bubble Flows

Subject Area Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Term from 2014 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 237189010
The aim of the coordination of the DFG priority program is to motivate a fruitful interdisciplinary and nationwide cooperation between the participating researchers. For this purpose the Priority Program 1740 "The Influence of Local Transport Processes on Chemical Reactions in Bubble Flows" maintains an administration office, which employs a secretary and is headed by the coordinator. This office performs the following tasks:• Contact to the DFG and information exchange within the priority program• Establishment and maintenance of the priority program’s home page, public relations• Organization and documentation of scientific conferences, workshops and summer schools• Organization of the next review colloquium• Granting of funds to priority program-based activities which cannot be financed by the project groups themselves, e.g., guiding measures, stay of guest scientists and group meetings of the project managers
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection United Kingdom



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