Type I interferon induction and elimination of memory T cells by HIV and other primate lentiviruses
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2013 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 236600002
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Altogether, we made some progress in elucidating why HIV-1 causes AIDS while some SIVs do not cause disease in their natural hosts. We found that Nef-mediated downmodulation of TCR-CD4 and Vpu dependent inhibition of NF-kB represent alternative ways to suppress antiviral gene expression. The latter is associated with increased inflammatory responses and HIV-1 characteristic features hence most likely contributing to the high levels of inflammation that drive AIDs. However, monkeys have evolved effective protective mechanisms to prevent chronic inflammation and disease. We also provide first evidence that Vpu and Nef functionally cooperate to allow efficient viral replication in vivo. Other studies provided novel insight into viral immune sensing and the role of the accessory protein Vpu, Vpr and Nef in modulating immune activation. Assays for the identification of circulating factors modulating HIV-induced inflammation from peptide libraries have been established and we identified IL-27 as potent inducer of antiviral factors, especially GBP5. Thus, the project yielded interesting results but also opened new questions for future studies.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
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(2017) Primate lentiviruses use at least three alternative strategies to suppress NF-κB-mediated immune activation. PLoS Pathog. 13, e1006598
Hotter D, Krabbe T, Reith E, Gawanbacht A, Rahm N, Ayouba A, Van Driessche B, Van Lint C, Peeters M, Kirchhoff F, Sauter D
(2018). Sooty mangabey genome sequence provides insight into AIDS resistance in a natural SIV host. Nature 553, 77-81
Palesch D, Bosinger SE, Tharp GK, Vanderford TH, Paiardini M, Chahroudi AM, Johnson ZP, Kirchhoff F, Hahn BH, Norgren RB Jr, Patel NB, Sodora DL, Dawoud R, Harris RH, Liu Y, Raveendran M, Han Y, English A, Thomas GWC, Hahn MW, Pipes L, Mason CE, Muzny DM, Gibbs R, Worley K, Sauter D, Rogers J, Silvestri G
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