Fachliche Zuordnung
Rechnerarchitektur, eingebettete und massiv parallele Systeme
Förderung von 2013 bis 2020
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 206480214
The project shall be coordinated by tubs.CITY, the Center for Informatics and Information TechnologY at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (CITY.tu-bs.de). tubs.CITY has been established äs an association of member Institutes from Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Economics, Civil Engineering, and Psychology, to strengthen collaboration in IT related topics at TU Braunschweig. Furthermore, tubs.CITY supports or organizes internal workshops and public events, such äs the series of tubs.CITY annual symposia with more than 100 external visitors every year, each time on a different topic. An Office has been established to support coordination and to administrate collaborative research projects, such äs the proposed research unit. Besides scientific collaboration, organizing visits and supporting external collaborations with industry and other organizations, there will many practical collaboration issues concerning, e.g., joint demonstrators at scientific events and exhibitions. For these activities, 25% of the time of the tubs.CITY executive director will be assigned to CCC and is requested for funding.