Fundamental characterization of novel Mo-Si-B-Ti-alloys at ultra-high temperatures

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans Jürgen Christ; Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier
Subject Area Metallurgical, Thermal and Thermomechanical Treatment of Materials
Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Thermodynamics and Kinetics as well as Properties of Phases and Microstructure of Materials
Term from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 236295902

Project Description

The aim of the intended research project is the development of new, structural Mo-Si-B-based alloys with improved properties for application temperatures up to 1300°C. In the course of the first funding period we succeeded in the alloy development to broaden significantly the ternary Moss-T1-T2 phase field in the Mo-Si-B-Ti system with small amounts of Fe. We produced for the first time ternary alloys containing the (Mo,Ti)5Si3 phase with excellent oxidation resistance at 750-1300°C. The catastrophically oxidizing (Mo,Ti)3Si phase could be avoided utilizing the arc-metallurgical processing route. It was found that Mo-Si-B-Ti-alloys outplay both the Mo-Si-B alloys and the Ni-based singly crystal alloys with respect to mechanical, i.e. creep, properties. Regarding the high temperature oxidation behaviour fundamental knowledge for the specific adjustment of a protective SiO2-TiO2-duplex layer has been gained due to the fruitful cooperation of the both institutions KIT and USiegen. In addition, sufficient experimental data have been collected for a sound, realistic simulation of inner and outer oxidation processes which will serve as an important tool for the exploitation of the existing potential of Mo-Si-B-Ti-Fe alloys. Greatest endeavor of the present proposal will be the determination of the chemical composition of technically applicable Mo-Si-B-Ti-Fe alloys. Main emphasis will be placed on the impact of the observed Ti-silicides on the already excellent mechanical properties and the intrinsic oxidation resistance. This implies the extensive characterization of the microstructure, the nature/effect of the Ti-silicide precipitates on the deformation behaviour of the solid solution phase and the isothermal/cyclic oxidation resistance of Mo-Si-B-Ti-Fe alloys. To enable an efficient development cycle, the evaluation of the alloy compositions with an improved balance of mechanical and oxidative properties should occur by the interplay between mechanism-based simulation and experimental results. The assessment of the oxidation process of different Mo-Si-B-Ti-Fe alloys has to be performed dependent on the temperature, the microstructure and the chemical composition using a FEM model considering the real microstructure by embedding spatially- and time-resolved kinetic calculations as well as local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. Selected compositions with simulation based predicted property improvement shall be produced and investigated to verify the simulation model.
DFG Programme Research Grants