Projekt Druckansicht

Molekulare Interaktionen zwischen Acetylpolyamin-Aminohydrolasen aus Pseudomonas aeruginosa und kleinen organischen Liganden

Fachliche Zuordnung Pharmazie
Biologische und Biomimetische Chemie
Förderung Förderung von 2013 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 236178355
Erstellungsjahr 2016

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Our findings significantly extend existing knowledge about the physiological function, 3D-structure, dimer formation and substrate specificity of HDAC like enzymes in the human pathogen P. aeruginosa. Moreover, a combined thermodynamic, kinetic and structural study of native and mutated proteins revealed new insights into the relationship between flexibility by the example of the L2 loop and the mechanism and thermodynamic signature of ligand binding. These scientific findings certainly contribute to a deeper understanding of the molecular interaction between HDAC like enzymes to form distinct dimers as well as between these enzymes and ligands. Since HDACs are prominent pharmaceutical targets, the gained knowledge resulting from this study is supposed to serve as a valuable guide for the design and optimization of new drug candidates with improved selectivity. The present project concentrates mainly on the APAHs of P. aeruginosa, but also spreads out to human HDACs if one looks at the selective HDAC8 inhibitor found in the screening campaign. In contrast to the suggested antiinfective drug targets APAHs, human HDACs are well established pharmaceutical targets and particularly selective inhibitors earn special attention. The identified class of HDAC8 selective inhibitors without any known zinc binding motif and unknown mode of action with the preferred target HDAC8 deserve more attention. It would be interesting to learn more about the structure-activity but also structure-binding kinetics relationship of this compound and derivatives thereof. The mechanism of the already observed activity on cancer cells has also to be elucidated in more detail to learn about improved follow-up compounds. To mention one aspect: it has to be investigated, whether or to which extend these compounds are transformed in the respective thiophenol and interfere with reduction equivalents within cells.

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