Verformungsverfestigung und Viskositätsanisotropie in foliiertem Steinsalz
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2013 bis 2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 234625283
The impact of strain hardening and planar anisotropies on the viscous flow of rock salt is only badly constrained, although most deposits of rock salt are inherently anisotropic, and finite strain is accommodated by viscous creep. First experimental results revealed various stages of viscous creep and a strong relation between grain-shape fabric and mechanical anisotropy. The aims of the present proposal are (1) to reveal the reasons for various stages of strain hardening and (2) to quantify the microstructural processes responsible for mechanical anisotropy. To achieve these aims, halite single crystals and foliated rock salt will be deformed incrementally to high finite viscous strain under different bulk strain fields (flattening, plane strain, constriction). In cases of foliated rock salt, the shortening axis will be oriented perpendicular, oblique and parallel to the foliation, respectively. The microfabrics of the incrementally deformed samples, as revealed by optical microscopy, electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), and nanofocus computer tomography, will be used to constrain the microfabrics and deformation mechanisms.The new data will be of interest for many workers dealing with mining of rock salt, storage of hydrocarbons and hazardous waste, and petroleum exploration.