Project Details
FOR 2060: cGMP Signalling in Cell Growth and Survival
Subject Area
from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 234406232
cGMP is an intracellular messenger molecule that is involved in the regulation of diverse physiological functions, for example, in blood vessels, the heart, neurons and sensory cells. The Research Unit investigates how a dysfunction of the cGMP signalling system contributes to the development of degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The goal is a better understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological roles and therapeutic potential of cGMP. Drugs that modulate the intracellular cGMP level might provide new options to treat degenerative diseases.
DFG Programme
Research Units
- BK channels as targets of cGMP signalling in myocardial pre- and postconditioning and survival (Applicant Lukowski, Robert )
- cGMP signalling in pain processing and regeneration after peripheral nerve injury (Applicant Schmidtko, Achim )
- cGMP survival signalling for prevention of hearing loss (Applicant Rüttiger, Lukas )
- CNP-induced cGMP signalling in neural differentiation and functional integration (Applicant Schmidt, Hannes )
- Compartmentalized cGMP signalling in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and heart failure (Applicant Nikolaev, Viacheslav )
- Coordination Funds (Applicant Feil, Robert )
- Global and local cGMP signals in growth control (Applicant Feil, Robert )
- Impact of cGMP generated by NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclases on vascular smooth muscle remodelling (Applicant Mergia, Evanthia )
- Role of cGMP signalling in pericytes during lung fibrosis (Applicant Friebe, Andreas )
Professor Dr. Robert Feil