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ERA Chemistry - Generalized tensor methods in quantum chemistry

Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Term from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 234056486
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

The present group of the ERA project has contributed significantly to the understanding of DMRG and Tensor Network Approximations in quantum chemistry. It has embedded the Tree Tensor Network state approximation in a general low rank tensor approximation with Hierarchical Tensors (HT) and linked the development of tensor product approximation to other problems in high-dimensional PDE’s. It supplements the development of numerical methods in quantum chemistry, in particular QC-DMRG, methods by providing rigorous analysis. After the leave of V. Murg from the project, the development of the special tree code was interrupted for a certain time. As a consequence, we mainly avoided the implementational difficulties when dealing with the topological more difficult structure of arbitrary trees. Therefore, an implementation of the general tree is still in its infancy. In particular it has not been under the responsibility of the Berlin group in the ERA project. Although the TT is a good model for HT, i.e. for Tree Tensor Networks, there are various situations where other trees are superior. However the development for linear trees, i.e. Tensor Trains (or MPS) had still been in its infancy before. Supplied with further strategies for adapting appropriate ranks, optimizing the orbital basis functions, e.g., by appropriate reordering etc. the traditional (one side and/or two side) DMRG (ALS/MALS), is still a very powerful linear optimization technique for TT (MPS) and even for general HT or tree networks. To our experience, further Riemannian optimization techniques have not shown enough advantages. The QC-DMRG developed partly by this project is cutting edge for computations. The project has tremendous impact to transfer the knowledge from computational quantum physics to other areas where low rank tensor product approximation provide substantial progress, particularly for high-dimensional PDE’s. In our part of the project, possible alternatives to avoid existing drawbacks of the low rank tensor product approximation in a Hierarchical- or Tree Tensor Network format have been shown. The tensor network approximation and particularly the Tree Tensor Networks equivalent to HT, are at least as good as traditional adaptive approximations which rest on sparsity. In many cases (or most cases), it is superior due to the underlying hierarchical structure. It may be only by-passed by modern deep neuronal networks, which are the recent standard in machine learning. However the relation to deep convolutionary networks has been observed quite recently. This may be an interesting subject for future research.



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