Modulation of cellular processes and Rac/Rop (Rho) activity in Arabidopsis by Pto TTSS effector proteins
Subject Area
Organismic Interactions, Chemical Ecology and Microbiomes of Plant Systems
from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 52732026
To date, work on this project has established that different AtROPs (Rho GTPases of Plants) are required for effective Arabidopsis defense against Pto bacteria, and that individual AtROP activities, as well as AtROP dependent defense responses, are modulated by Pto virulence factors. Research during the next funding period aims 1) at the identification and further characterization of functions of individual AtROPs in specific Arabidopsis defense responses, and 2) at an improved understanding of the manipulation of these functions by Pto virulence factors.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres