The 'General Theory of Art' is the name of an interdisciplinary initiative for art studies at the beginning of the 20th century, which combined both systematic reflection on art and artistic experience. Initiated by the philosophers Max Dessoir and Emil Utitz, it rapidly became a scientific platform with its own journal, conferences, and a professional association. This project, which inspired the scientific exchange and cooperation of art scholars from all disciplines in German-speaking countries and abroad for more than three decades, highlights the outstanding position of art theory in Germany before the rise to power of the National Socialists.The subject of the proposed research project is a multidimensional reconstruction of this interdisciplinary initiative for art studies. The 'General Theory of Art' will be focused here (1) as a concept responding to contemporary problems and conceiving different epistemologies, (2) as an institution with several platforms, and finally (3) as an initiative in a specific context playing a particular role in contemporary debates on art and leaving its mark in the history of art sciences. This research project, therefore, aims to contribute to the reflection of modern art history and philosophy of art on their own history as well as on contemporary research issues and methodology.
DFG Programme
Research Grants