Project Details
Method for Model-driven Design of Deep Drawing Tools
Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Arno Behrens; Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kirschbaum, since 4/2021
Subject Area
Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
from 2013 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 233142092
For years, deep drawing tools have been constructed with 3D CAD systems that include viable modeling tools to create geometry data. Sheet metal processing companies enforce the usage of parametric 3D CAD systems because of the increasing product variety, product complexity and the resulting cost pressure. These systems make it possible to include the product logic and construction knowledge directly in a CAD model and furthermore to use parameter changes to quickly generate new variants or modify the model.Building an exhaustive parametric model requires a thorough planning stage and the modeling of parameter connections in and between part and tool components. Many designers are reluctant to expend this additional effort because of high cost and time pressure, although it is worthwhile in the end due to the ease of later modification and variant construction. This hesitation often means that construction knowledge and product logic are belatedly added to the CAD model through formulas and rules, which is error prone and can lead to model instability. There are no suitable methods or supporting tools for the modeling of parameter connections.The goal of this research project is the development of a method for model-driven design of deep drawing tools. The main component of this method is a new graphic modeling language for the domain of deep drawing tool construction that facilitates the representation of product logic and construction knowledge. The models of this language can be transformed to parametric CAD models and then be completed by geometric modeling in 3D CAD systems. The developed method will be a suitable tool for the modeling of non-geometric information. Manageable parametric models will allow for a deep analysis and optimization of tool models. The graphic language furthers the understanding of tool structure and enables designers to create more and more complex models.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Dr. David Bauer, until 4/2021