Descriptive cataloguing of manuscripts from Bordesholm in the university library of Kiel

Applicant Professor Dr. Peter Burschel
Subject Area Medieval History
Term from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 232509910

Project Description

The aim of the project is to provide a modern catalogue of manuscripts of the Augustinian canons of Bordesholm which willreplace the old and insufficient catalogue by Henning Ratjen (1793-1880). Following the first segment of the cataloguing project (Sept. 2013 - Aug. 2016) the remaining 69 medieval manuscripts will be described. The results will be published in a printed manuscript catalogue. As in the previous project segments the descriptive cataloguing follows the standards set by the German Research Foundation (DFG) including full and detailed descriptions of the important codicological matters (binding, clasps, fittings, waste papers, layout, illumination), of the palaeography and of the origin and provenance of the codex. The most important part of the manuscript description is the complete registration of the texts contained in the codex and their identification by listing of incipits and explicits, of prints and critical editions, bibliographical repertories and secondary sources. The catalogue will be completed with a preface, a bibliography and the usual indexes of names, places and subject matters, quoted manuscripts, initia, versus etc. The cataloguing is done in the XML markup language, format TEI-P5, based upon the results of the MASTER-project (situated in Wolfenbüttel and Munich) and updated by the cataloguing rules achieved in the project "Europeana Regia". The XML-encoding of the manuscript descriptions provided by the author will be the basis for the printed catalogue and the online publications of all descriptions in the local manuscript database of the HAB and in the central database "Manuscripta Mediaevalia".
DFG Programme Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Co-Investigator Dr. Else Maria Wischermann