Subject Area
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
from 2012 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 214254430
Mercator Fellowship: QCD sum rules are among the major theoretical tools for the model-independent computation of hadronic matrix elements for flavour physics. The method relies on perturbative calculations of correlation functions combined with universal nonperturbative input such as vacuum-condensate densities. The result of this calculation is matched to the phenomenological parameterization involving the hadronic quantities which are then extracted from this procedure. The objective of the Mercator project is to use chiral perturbation theory to improve the parametrization of the phenomenological parametrization used in the QCD sum rule. Chiral perturbation Theory is an Effective Field Theory working with the Hadrons as basic entities, which makes it well suited to improve the phenomenological parametrization. The projected Fellow Prof. A Petrov is an expert in this field and would nicely complement the expertise of the other participants in the Research Unit. Professorship (NF Khodjamirian): Prof. A. Khodjamirian is the major pillar of the QCD sum rule activities in the Research Unit. However, he will retire in the second funding period, and we apply for an early replacement in order to ensure a smooth transition, keeping up the high level of expertise in QCD sum rules in the Research Unit. Project Specific Workshops: The Research Unit is focused on non-lattice methods for the evaluation of hadronic matrix elements. However, a clear added value is created by an exchange of results and experiences between the non-lattice and lattice communities. For this reason we plan a project specific workshop together with experts performing QCD lattice calculations for hadronic matrix elements relevant in Flavour Physics. A second workshop at the beginning of the second funding period is planned to disseminate the results of the Research Unit in the part of the community interested in phenomenology, in particular to our experimental colleagues. Coordination: For the administrative coordination we apply for secretarial support (half time position); the scientific coordination will be taken over by one of the doctoral student or postdoc working in one of the projects.
DFG Programme
Research Units