Loess-palaeosol sequences as archives for Late Pleistocene environmental conditions in central Spain

Applicant Professor Dr. Dominik Faust
Subject Area Physical Geography
Term from 2012 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 230828775

Project Description

The aim of the project is to reconstruct Late Pleistocene environmental conditions by using loess-palaeosol sequences in central Spain. In this area information about the Late Pleistocene derived from terrestrial archives is rare. Huge sequences of loess and loess-like sediments in the Tagus Basin have a great potential to close this scientific gap. The focus is on original loess deposits (true loess), which allow direct conclusions about processes and time frames of the aeolian translocation. Furthermore, relocated loess sediments as well as alluvial loess are considered to detect periods of higher geomorphic activity. Included palaeosols are used to detect climatically or hygrally favourable periods. The immediate objective is to study at least 5 sediment profiles by using a sedimentological and pedogenetic approach to develop a composite profile for the loess deposits of the upper Tagus catchment in central Spain. A chronological resolution is ensured by the OSL-dating of stratigraphically important positions. The compiled standard profile will be the basis to derive Late Pleistocene environmental conditions and environmental changes. Especially the comparison with the results of the project, dealing with Late Quaternary fluvial dynamics of the Jarama River that drains areas with huge loess accumulations, will facilitate the development of a high-resolution model of the Late Pleistocene landscape evolution in central Spain. A further focus will be on the provenances of the loess sediments to differentiate between the local component and long distance transportation, as well as to detect dominant wind directions.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Spain
Participating Persons Professor Dr. Markus Fuchs; Jesùs Vizcaino; Professor Dr. Ludwig Zöller