The observing campain is a pilot study, intended to further develop the method of Surface Brightness Fluctuations for distance determinations of galaxies towards spectroscopic investigations of marginally resolved or unresolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies. Observations will be conducted with the integral field spectrophotometer PMAS, which has a mode for 3D spectroscopy, as well as a direct imager, and which is a unique instrument world-wide.The travel grant is requested for observers Prof. Dr. Martin Roth and Hardy Drube, who shall conduct the Calar Alto observing run, which has been granted for 5 nights, dating September 21 - 25, 2012. In addition to the observing nights proper, two more days for preparation and completion after the run are necessary.PMAS observations require the presence of two observers in order to guarantee the appropriate and efficient operation of the instrument, as well as performing online data reduction and visualization, without which the success of the programme and adequate use of telescope time would be in question.
DFG Programme
Research Grants