Spatio-temporal characterization of neuronal interference processing influenced by spatial and feature-based attention
Subject Area
General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 229061031
On the one hand, neuronal processing of the multitude of incoming information can be altered intentionally, for example by directed attentional orienting to a location in space (spatial) or to a certain color (feature-based). On the other hand, neuronal processing is influenced by the nature of sensory input, for example when competing stimuli require different reactions and one has to decide on the correct reaction. Until now, the interaction of these two processes (attentional orienting, conflict processing due to competing stimuli) has been examined predominantly at the behavioral level. In the present project we characterize the effects of spatial (experiment 1) and feature-based (experiment 2) attentional orientation on the processing of compatible, incompatible and neutral task-irrelevant stimuli in detail on a neuronal level. Thereby new insight can be gathered on the functionality of interference control mechanisms in the human brain. In both experiments magnetic resonance tomographic as well as electrophysiological data are collected and to benefit from the complementary advantages of both methods (good spatial/temporal resolution) the respective data are fed into a common analysis. By comparing the results of both experiments it can be clarified whether spatial and feature-based attention are controlled by the same interference control mechanism.
DFG Programme
Research Grants