In the first funding period, the project investigated to what extent monarchic rule in Israel and Judah made use of nature motifs as a means of self-legitimation. During this phase, the project also analyzed the post-monarchic transformation of these concepts (e.g. Deut 32; 1Henoch 52; and other texts). This transformation shall be investigated more deeply during the second funding period. The project will focus on the post-exilic expectations for developing an ideal constitution for Israel as a theocratic state. Based upon the results of the first funding period, two fields of research suggest themselves as a logical continuation: (1) visions of Israel¿s tribes living within a country blessed by abundant fertility (esp. Gen 49; Deut 33), and (2) the utopian visions of a restored monarchic order, in which nature returns to a salvific and even Paradisian state after being brought into chaos by the downfall of the kingdom (e.g., Isa 11; Am 9; Mic 4).
DFG Programme
Research Units