Project Details
Volume of sections of high dimensional convex bodies
Professor Dr. Hermann König
Subject Area
from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 227612601
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Hyperplane sections of cylinders
H. Dirksen
Sections of the regular Simplex - Volume Formulas and Estimates
H. Dirksen
The best constant in the Khintchine inequality of the Orlicz space Lψ2 for equidistributed random variables on spheres
H. Dirksen
The optimal constants in Khintchine’s inequality for the case 2 < p < 3
O. Mordhorst
On the maximal measure of sections of the n-cube, Proc. Southeast Geometry Seminar, AMS, Contemp. Math. 599 (2013), 123-155
H. König, A. Koldobsky
On the best constants in the Khintchine inequality for Steinhaus variables, Israel Journ. Math. 203 (2014), 23-57
H. König