Research on stratigraphy and chronology of the Asclepieion on Cos

Applicant Professor Dr. Dietrich Boschung
Subject Area Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 225930298

Project Description

The project intends to deal with problems in the history of ancient architecture and of late classical and early hellenistic urban history. Therefore in the centre of the Asclepieion on Cos on the middle terrace test trenches shall be excavated. Furthermore the project serves to deepen and to enlarge the results of the work done in the context of the SPG 1209 “The Hellenistic Polis as a Living Space”.All handbooks of ancient architecture present the Asclepieion on Cos as a milestone in the development of Greek sanctuaries to axial and symmetrically arranged architectural ensembles. Until now the foundation, the extension and further development of the Coan sanctuary is not based on stratigraphic evidence. All notices and diaries of Rudolf Herzog during his excavations on the site in 1900, 1902-1904 as well as those of the Italian excavators in 1937 and 1938 are lost. Only with systematic trenches in until now not explored areas this gap in our knowledge can be filled in.Moreover excessing the limited topographical frame and the significance of a secure dating of the Asclepieion to the history of ancient architecture the project will contribute to the history of the ancient city of Cos. As an external sanctuary linked to the town by annual processions it plays a decisive role in the foundation of the town in 366 B.C. and its later history. The dating of the sanctuary’s beginnings shall clarify whether an older sanctuary had been integrated or there had been built a new one in the process of the foundation of the new polis.One of Cos most famous inhabitants was Hippocrates the founder of a medical school between 460 and 370 B.C. - earlier than the polis’ foundation. Since all excavated buildings in the Asclepieion seem to date from the last quarter of the fourth and the start of the third century B.C. Hippokrates and his school cannot be connected to the sanctuary.
DFG Programme Research Grants