Discursive fragmentation of the international forest regime complex: Towards a better understanding of multi-level forest policy discourses

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Georg Winkel
Fachliche Zuordnung Forstwissenschaften
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 225167819


This subproject aims to analyze the fragmentation of forest policy at both an international and national level for the selected countries, employing a discourse analysis approach. It is split into two sub-subprojects (SSPs). „SSPa“ conducts an analysis of discursive genealogies of forest policy in Germany, Sweden, and the US. „SSPb“ investigates the history of forest related discourses in three global environmental policy processes (UNFF, CBD, and UNFCCC). In doing so, both SSPs follow a three step procedure: In the first work package, relevant literature is reviewed and a theoretical and analytical framework is developed. In the second work package, empirical data (mostly formal and informal policy documents) are gathered and analyzed. In the third work package, emphasis is placed on the role of political ‚elites‘ in the creation of fragmented forest policy discourses at different levels; in-depth interviews with policy stakeholders and experts add another perspective to the analysis in this work package. The project is expected to develop a new understanding not only of the fragmentation of multi-level and multi-sector forest policy discourses, but also of the way in which ‚discourse elites‘ interact with and within these discourses. The results of the work packages will be published in peer reviewed journals and discussed with policy stakeholders and scientists in conferences and workshops.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Beteiligte Person Dr. Till Pistorius