The project intends to digitize selected finding aids for the key record groups of the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. The generated data will appear on various platforms such as the Landesarchiv¿s online information system (, the Archivportal- D (, and the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ( The finding aids recommended for digitization belong to the archival department Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen. They provide access to important and frequently requested record groups. A retrospective conversion of these record groups will significantly facilitate the use of older priority records for both scientific and private purposes. The records refer to ecclesiastical and secular principalities: Wald Abbey, Herrschaft Ostrach of Salem Abbey, Herrschaften Schemmerberg, Ober- and Untersulmetingen and Öpfingen of Salem Abbey, Obermarchtal Abbey, Herrschaft Achberg of the Teutonic Order, Herrschaft Hohenfels of the Teutonic Order, Beuron Abbey,HerrschaftJungnau,Herrschaft Gammertingen/Hettingen,CountyofSigmaringen, CountyofVeringen, andthe seigniory archive Hohenzollern-HechingenoftheCountyofZollern.The vastmajority of these records date backto theMiddle Ages, with the sole exception of theseignioryarchive Hohenzollern-Hechingen ofthe CountyofZollern, onlycovering the time back tothe16thcentury.Thanksto thebroadand densetraditionatthe central andregionaladministrative level,thevaluablerecord groupsare ofoutstandingimportance for the historyof SouthwestGermany,with a particular focuson theregionbetween the Neckarriver, the Allgäu andLake Constance.Intheirentirety, theserecordsoffermost relevantinformation on processes such as the condensation ofrule duringmediaeval times andthe development of public structuresand territories in the earlymodern age.They complementotheralready retrospectivelyconvertedrecord groupsand will thuscreate addedvalue beyond the aforementioned finding aids.
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)