TRR 134:
Essverhalten: Homöostase und Belohnungssysteme
Fachliche Zuordnung
Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften
Förderung von 2014 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 222193485
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The incidence and prevalence of obesity continues to rise and is particularly observed in populations exposed to an unprecedented abundance of food. Against this background, it represents an urgent task to unravel the central nervous mechanisms that act to integrate the homeostatic and rewardassociated neurocircuits encoding the behavioural portfolio relevant for food choice and intake. Consequently, it will be mandatory to search for an altered convergence of these two systems as the underlying basis for disturbed eating behaviour. To this end, we have defined fundamental principles of dysfunction in the pathogenesis of homeostatic versus reward driven obesity, namely (i) a disturbed processing of sensory signals, (ii) the loss of physiological function of satiety signals in the homeostatic system, (iii) a disturbed communication between reward and homeostatic systems with either insufficient inhibition of reward signals by homeostatic mechanisms or disinhibition of homeostatic signals by reward-associated stimulation and (iv) the tendency of reward-triggered food intake to eventually evolve into habitual behaviour.
Within this concept, we have systematically moved towards a more system-based and translational research programme to decipher the interaction between homeostatic and reward circuits in a broader context with regards to neuronal and functional interactions (level A). The analysis of this crosstalk has also included relevant models of social interaction and cue triggered/external eating behaviour in a more clinically oriented translational context (level B). Clearly defined intervention strategies to enable tackling these problems through neuromodulation, pharmacological means or targeted neurosurgical approaches have been employed (level C). Finally, human studies within the CRC have benefitted from a pheno- and genotypically well-characterized cohort in the Z2 project. The recruitment of normal individuals and individuals which are environmentally or genetically prone to altered eating behaviour is clearly essential for the experimental paradigms and targeted interventions within this program. We anticipate conceptual advances for the whole research area in a long-term perspective. Based on the novel and mechanistic insight into the principles of convergence and regulation of the homeostatic and reward systems, thorough insight into the association between specific behavioural patterns and neural signals will be gained and will, by the aid of the cohort established, move our approaches towards a more targeted and precision medicine approach, which is needed for the treatment of obese persons.
This CRC was (and with its scientific offsprings continues to be) embedded into a strong and focused research infrastructure at the participating universities and has received highest priority in terms of strategic planning and support. Moreover, the participating scientists have created a consortial and highly cooperative environment that will continue to build upon the complementary strengths and the joint and well-defined research focus.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2016). Insulin Dependent Activation of MCH Neurons Impairs Locomotor Activity and Insulin Sensitivity in Obesity. Cell Rep 17, 2512-2521
Hausen, A.C., Ruud, J., Jiang, H., Hess, S., Varbanov, H., Kloppenburg, P., Brüning, J.C.
(2017) Tanycytes control the hormonal output of the hypothalamic -pituitary-thyroid axis. Nat Commun 8, 484
Müller-Fielitz H, Stahr M, Bernau M, Richter M, Abele S, Krajka V, Benzin A, Wenzel J, Kalies K, Mittag J, Heuer H, Offermanns S, Schwaninger M
(2017). Analysis and correction of field fluctuations in fMRI using concurrent field monitoring. NeuroImage 154, 92-105
Bollmann, S., Kasper, L., Vannesjo, SJ., Diaconescu, AO., Dietrich, BE., Gross, S., Stephan, KE., Pruess mann, KP.
(2017). Antagonistic modulation of NPY/AgRP and POMC neurons in the arcuate nucleus by noradrenalin. Elife. 2017 Jun 20;6
Paeger L, Karakasilioti I, Altmüller J, Frommolt P, Brüning J, Kloppenburg P
(2017). Central insulin modulates food valuation via mesolimbic pathways. Nature Communications 8, 16052
Tiedemann, L.J., Schmid, S.M., Hettel, J., Giesen, K., Francke, P., Büchel, C., and Brassen, S.
(2017). Effects of a 72 hours fasting on brain metabolism in healthy women studied in vivo with magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 38, 469-478
Ding, X.Q., Maudsley, A.A., Schweiger, U., Schmitz, B., Lichtinghagen, R., Bleich, S., Lanfermann, H., and Kahl, K.G.
(2017). Human subthalamic nucleus-automatic auditory change detection as a basis for action selection. Neuroscience 355, 141-148
Heldmann, M., Münte, T.F., Paracka, L., Beyer, F., Brüggemann, N., Sarryeva, A., Rasche, D., Krauss, J.K., Tronnier, V.
(2017). IL-6 improves energy and glucose homeostasis in obesity via enhanced central IL-6 trans-signaling. Cell Reports 19, 267-280
Timper, K., Denson, J.L., Steculorum, S.M., Heilinger, C., Engström-Ruud, L., Wunderlich, C.M., Rose- John, S., Wunderlich, F.T., and Brüning, J.C.
(2017). Impact of nutrition on social decision making. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114, 6510-6514
Strang, S., Hoeber, C., Uhl, O., Koletzko, B., Münte, T.F., Lehnert, H., Dolan, R.J., Schmid, S.M., Park, S.Q.
(2017). Inhibition of P2Y6 signaling in AgRP neurons reduces food intake and improves systemic insulin sensitivity in obesity. Cell Reports 18, 1587-1597
Steculorum, S.M., Timper, K., Engström Ruud, L., Evers, N., Paeger, L., Bremser, S., Kloppenburg, P., and Brüning, J.C.
(2017). Insulin controls food intake and energy balance via NPY neurons. Molecular Metabolism 6, 574-584
Loh, K., Zhang, L., Brandon, A., Wang, Q., Begg, D., Qi, Y., Fu, M., Kulkarni, R., Teo, J., Baldock, P., et al.
(2017). Key Odorants Regulate Food Attraction in Drosophila mela nogaster. Front Behav Neurosci. 5;11:160
Giang T., He J., Belaidi S., Scholz H.
(2017). Nesfatin-1: functions and physiology of a novel regulator peptide. J Endocrinol. 232, R45-R65
Dore, R., Levata, L., Lehnert, H., Schulz, C.
(2017). Prediction of individual differences from neuroimaging data. NeuroImage 145, 135-136
Calhoun, VD., Lawrie, SM., Mourao-Miranda, J., Stephan, KE.
(2017). The human globus pallidus internus is sensitive to rewards - Evidence from intracerebral recordings. Brain Stimul. 10, 657-663
Münte, T.F., Marco-Pallares, J., Bolat, S., Heldmann, M., Lütjens, G., Nager, W., Müller-Vahl, K., Krauss, J.K.
(2017). The thermogenic effect of nesfatin-1 requires recruitment of the melanocortin system. J Endocrinol. 235, 111-122
Dore, R., Levata, L., Gachkar, S., Jöhren, O., Mittag, J., Lehnert, H., Schulz, C.
(2017). Tissue-specific dissociation of diurnal transcriptome rhythms during sleep restriction in mice. Sleep 40
Husse, J., Kiehn, J.-T., Barclay, J.L., Naujokat, N., Meyer-Kovac, J., Lehnert, H., and Oster, H.
(2017). Transient Voltage Activated K+ Currents in central antennal lobe neurons: Cell type specific functional properties. J Neurophysiol 18, 1587-1597
Paeger L, Bardos V, Kloppenburg P
(2017). Visual food cues decrease post prandial glucose concentrations in lean and obese men without affecting food intake and related endocrine parameters. Appetite 117, 255-262
Brede, S., Sputh, A., Hartmann, AC., Hallschmid, M., Lehnert, H., Klement, J.
(2017): Oxytocin im proves β-Cell responsivity and glucose tolerance in healthy Men. Diabetes 66, 264-271
Klement, J., Ott, V., Rapp, K., Brede, S., Piccinini, F., Cobelli, C., Lehnert, H., Hallschmid, M.
(2018). Diet-induced growth is regulated via acquired lep tin resistance and engages a POMC-Somatostatin-Growth Hormone circuit. Cell Rep., 23, 1728–1741
Löhr, H., Hess, S., Pereira, M. M. A., Reinoß, P., Leibold, S., Schenkel, C., Wunderlich, CM, Kloppen burg, P., Brüning, J. C., Hammerschmidt, M.
(2018). Food intake recruits orosensory and post-ingestive dopaminergic circuits to affect eating desire in humans. Cell Metab.
Edwin Thanarajah, S., Backes, H., Difeliceantonio, A.G., Albus, K., Cremer, A.L., Hanssen, R., Lippert, R.N., Cornely, O.A., Small, D.M., Brüning, J.C., Tittgemeyer, M.
(2018). Food perception primes hepatic ER homeostasis via melanocortin-dependent control of mTOR activation. Cell 175, 1321-1335.e.1320
Brandt, C., Nolte, H., Henschke, S., Ruud, L.E., Awazawa, M., Morgan, D.A., Gabel, P., Sprenger, H.-G., Hess, M.E., Günther, S., Langer, T., Rahmouni, K., Fenselau, H., Krüger, M., Brüning, J.C.
(2018). Impact of bariatric surgery on neural food processing and cognition: an fMRI study. BMJ Open. 8, e022375
Schulze, M., Sörös, P., Vogel, W., Münte, T.F., Müller, H.H.O., Philipsen, A.
(2018). Influences of Hunger, Sa tiety and Oral Glucose on Functional Brain Connectivity: A multimethod resting-State fMRI study. Neuroscience 382, 80-92
Al-Zubaidi, A., Heldmann, M., Mertins, A., Jauch-Chara, K., Münte, T.F.
(2018). Laminar fMRI and computational theories of brain function. NeuroImage
Stephan, K.E., Petzschner, FH., Kasper, L., Bayer, J., Wellstein, K.V., Stefanics, G., Prüssmann, K.P., Heinzle, J.
(2018). P53 in AgRP neurons is required for protection against diet-induced obesity via JNK1. Nat Commu. 9, 3432
Quiñones M., Al-Massadi O., Folgueira C., …, Sabio G. & R. Nogueiras
(2018). Psychosocial stress promotes food intake and enhances the neuroenergetic level in men. Stress. 21, 538-547
Kistenmacher, A., Goetsch, J., Ullmann, D., Wardzinski, E.K., Melchert, U.H., Jauch-Chara,K., Oltanns,K.M.
(2018). Supra-additive effects of combining fat and carbohydrate on food reward. Cell Metab, 28, 33–44.e33
Difeliceantonio, A.G., Coppin, G., Rigoux, L., Edwin Thanarajah, S., Dagher, A., Tittgemeyer, M., and Small, D.M.
(2018). The LepR-mediated leptin transport across brain barriers controls food reward. Mol Metab 8, 13-22
Di Spiezio, A., Sandin, ES., Dore, R., Muller-Fielitz, H., Storck, SE., Bernau, M., Mier, W., Oster, H., Jöhren, O., Pietrzik, CU., Lehnert, H., Schwaninger, M.
(2018). Visual mismatch and predictive coding: A computational single-trial ERP study. Journal of Neuroscience 38: 4020-4030
Stefanics, G., Heinzle, J., Horvath, A., Stephan, K.E.
(2019). Ciliary gene RPGRIP1L is required for hypothalamic arcuate neuron development. JCI Insight 4, Article No. e123337
Wang, L., De Solis, A.J., Goffer, Y., Birkenbach, K.E., Engle, S.E., Tanis, R., Levenson, J.M., Li, X., Busch, R., Purohit, M., et al.
(2019). Double transcranial direct current stimulation of the brain increases cerebral en ergy levels and systemic glucose tolerance in men. J. Neuroendocrinol. e12688
Wardzinski, E.K., Friedrichsen, L., Dannenberger, S., Kistenmacher, A., Melchert, U.H., Jauch-Chara, K., and Oltmanns, K.M.
(2019). Food intake recruits orosensory and postingestive dopaminergic circuits to affect eating desire in humans. Cell Metabolism 29, 695-706.e694
Thanarajah, S.E., Backes, H., DiFeliceantonio, A.G., Albus, K., Cremer, A.L., Hanssen, R., Lippert, R.N., Cornely, O.A., Small, D.M., Brüning, J.C., et al.
(2019). Intranasal oxytocin fails to acutely improve glucose metabolism in obese men. Diabetes Obes Metab 21, 424-428
Brede, S., Fehr, S., Dalla-Man, C., Cobelli, C., Lehnert, H., Hallschmid, M., Klement, J.
(2019). Mesolimbic white matter connectivity mediates the preference for sweet food. Sci. Rep. 9, 4349
Francke, P., Tiedemann, L.J., Menz, M.M., Beck, J., Büchel, C., and Brassen, S.
(2019). Sleep deprivation selectively upregulates an amygdala-hypothalamic circuit involved in food reward. J. Neurosci. 39, 888–899
Rihm, J.S., Menz, M.M., Schultz, H., Bruder, L., Schilbach, L., Schmid, S.M., and Peters, J.
(2019). The corticosteroid prednisolone increases amygdala and insula reactivity to food approach signals in healthy young men. Psychoneuroendocrinology 99, 154-165
Serfling, G., Buades-Rotger, M., Harbeck, B., Krämer, U.M., and Brabant, G.
(2019). Time-dependent assessment of stimulusevoked regional dopamine release. Nat Commun.
Lippert, R.N., Cremer, A.L., Edwin Thanarajah, S., Korn, C., Jahans-Price, T., Burgeno, L.M., Tittgemeyer, M., Brüning, J.C., Walton, M.E., Backes, H.
(2019). Timing modulates the effect of sleep loss on glucose homeostasis. J. Clin. En docrinol. Metab. 104,2801-2808
Wilms, B., Chamorro, R., Hallschmid, M., Trost, D., Forck, N., Schultes, B., Mölle, M., Sayk, F., Lehnert, H., Schmid, S.M.
Abgeschlossene Projekte
A01 - Die Rolle von Insulin in der Regulation nahrungsassoziierten Belohnungsverhaltens
Brüning, Jens Claus
A02 - Untersuchungen zur Interaktion von Insulin-Signaltransduktion und Belohnungssystem
Scholz, Henrike
A03 - Metabolische Modulation des Belohnungssystems
Kloppenburg, Peter
A04 - Bedeutung des Orexinsignalwegs in der Kontrolle von Energiehomöostase und Belohnungsverhalten
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Hausen, Anne Christine
Jöhren, Olaf
A05 - Molekulare und funktionelle Analyse der Nesfatin-1-Oxytocin-Achse im Belohnungssystem
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Lehnert, Hendrik
Schulz, Carla
A06 - Die Rolle von Entzündungssignalen in der hedonischen Appetitregulation
Schwaninger, Markus
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
B01 - Zirkadiane Uhren und hedonische Appetitkontrolle
Meyhöfer, Sebastian Michael
Oster, Henrik
B02 - Das Zusammenspiel hedonischer und hormoneller Stimuli in der zentralen Regulation des Energie- und Glukosestoffwechsels des Menschen
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Klement, Johanna
Lehnert, Hendrik
Ott, Volker
B03 - Untersuchungen zur hormonellen Modulation dopaminerger Mechanismen von impulsivem Verhalten
Stephan, Ph.D., Klaas Enno
Tittgemeyer, Marc
B04 - Zerebrale Energiehomöostase und Anreizhervorhebung von Nahrungsmitteln
Oltmanns, Kerstin
B05 - Untersuchung der Effekte von Nesfatin-1 auf das Belohnungssystem sowie zwanghafte Essstörungen
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Lehnert, Hendrik
Schulz, Carla
C01 - Hirnsysteme und Nahrungsmittelaufnahme - ein Bildgebungsansatz
Münte, Thomas F.
Schweiger, Ulrich
Tittgemeyer, Marc
C02 - Invasive Elektrophysiologie subkortikaler Strukturen beim Menschen: Beziehung zur Nahrungsaufnahme
Münte, Thomas F.
Tronnier, Volker Martin
C03 - Der Einfluss von Gewicht und Gewichtsverlust auf homöostatische, belohnungssensitive und gedächtnisrelevante neuronale Netzwerke bei älteren Menschen
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Brassen, Stefanie
Büchel, Christian
C05 - Der Effekt von Fasten und Schlafentzug auf belohnungsbasierte und perzeptuelle Entscheidungsprozesse
Peters, Jan
Schilbach, Leonhard
C06 - Charakterisierung der neuronalen Determinanten von Essverhalten mit maschinellem Lernen
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Anders, Silke
Martinetz, Thomas
Meyhöfer, Sebastian Michael
C07 - Changing behaviour, changing brain, changing obesity
Park, Ph.D., So Young Q.
Z01 - Zentralprojekt
Lehnert, Hendrik
Z02 - Generierung einer Referenzkohorte mit extremem Essverhalten
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Brabant, Georg
Brüning, Jens Claus
Kasten, Meike
Klein, Christine
Krämer, Ulrike M.