Die Ökophysiologie von migrierenden Fledermäusen der gemäßigten Breiten

Antragsteller Privatdozent Dr. Christian C. Voigt
Fachliche Zuordnung Biochemie und Physiologie der Tiere
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 221923692


Migration is one of the most spectacular events in nature and has captured the attention of researchers since a long time. Among terrestrial mammals, bats are particularly fascinating with respect to their migratory biology. The study species of the proposed work, the insectivorous 8-g bat Pipistrellus nathusii, travels up to ~4,000 km between Northeast Europe (Baltic States and Russia) and Western Europe (France) during their annual journeys. In the proposed work, I will investigate the migratory phenology of P. nathusii using spatial modelling based on stable hydrogen isotope ratios of fur keratin. Furthermore, I will quantify the metabolic power of flying P. nathusii in relation to speed in a wind tunnel to evaluate whether free-ranging bats use an optimal migration speed. In addition, I will measure the thermoregulatory behaviour and energy expenditure of P. nathusii at stopover sites to test whether bats use a torpor-assisted migration strategy. This project will shed light on the physiological factors that promote and constrain the migratory performance of insectivorous bats in Europe.
DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Großbritannien, Lettland
Beteiligte Personen Dr. Marc Wilhelm Holderied; Professorin Dr. Stephanie Kramer-Schadt; Professor Dr. Gunars Petersons; Dr. Niels C. Rattenborg