Linked Forever Young Production Automation with Active Components (LinkedFYPA²C)

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay; Professor Dr. Winfried Lamersdorf
Subject Area Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Term from 2012 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 221630013

Project Description

Software in productive use suffers from degeneration, caused e.g. by changing usage conditions or ad-hoc modifications not reflected in the latest software specifications. The FYPA²C project aims at addressing such software degeneration by an “anti-aging cycle” that perpetually reinforces the consistency of software specifications, their corresponding implementations, and their actual usage. Main contributions are (1) a combined meta-model for production automation software and verifiable requirements, (2) automated improvement of requirements specifications by learning from actual system behaviour, and (3) an infrastructure for online monitoring and simulation-based validation of requirements. The meta-model is based on “Active Components” and allows to specify the application, the underlying technical production process, and the requirements in ways in which they can be validated by corresponding test cases. Based on the knowledge of the system components and the production process, an online monitoring and learning infrastructure will continuously analyze and store system behaviour. When applying modifications to the software, it can be tested against all specified and learned requirements using the simulation-based validation. As a result, software developers and system operators are provided with an approach and tool suite for managing knowledge about software usage and requirements in order to keep such software “forever young”.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Subproject of SPP 1593:  Design for Future - Managed Software Evolution