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The physiological and pathophysiological role of iRhom-2

Subject Area Gastroenterology
Term from 2012 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 221604464
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Taken together, the results of the research grant show in published and unpublished observations that iRhom2 has a critical role in several settings. Moreover, we could further our understanding of the molecular interaction and regulation of ADAM17 via iRhom2, but also iRhom1. Also, we observed an unidentified role of TNF-alpha during viral infection, which may be partially triggered by iRhom2. The preliminary observations all point to a predominant role of iRhom1, iRhom2, and TNF-alpha during liver damage (especially virally induced) and regeneration. Consequently, an extension of the research will be proposed as part of the Collaborative Research Center 974:”Kommunikation und Systemrelevanz bei Leberschädigung und Regeneration”.



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