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Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term Funded in 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 221163532
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The instrument (an atomic force microscope combined with an inverted optical microscope) has been used for the following scientific areas/purposes according to the proposal: 1) Mechanical characterization of soft, biological interfaces (membranes, polymers). For the quantitative investigation of morphological dynamics, adhesion and motion of cells and tissue extracts, it is highly important to quantify the mechanical properties of soft interfaces, such as membranes and polymers. Here, we performed either nano-indentation measurements using both commercially available cantilevers as well as particle-modified cantilevers. 2) Topological characterization of soft, biological interfaces. In most of the projects, we functionalize substrates and membranes with various biofunctional molecules, such as extracellular domains of cell adhesion molecules. The combination of atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy is ver ypowerful to confirm the quality of surface functionalization for many different purposes. 3) Mechanical characterization of cells and tissue extracts. Here, we used this instruments to (a) determine the mechanical properties of cells and tissue extracts (e.g. bulk elastic modulus), (b) measure the adhesion force between cells and contact surfaces. As explained in the following sections more in detail, this enables us to perform highly interdisciplinary research, which resulted in publications in top journals.



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