Health Risks of Indoor Cold Environment (Acronym ICE)
Subject Area
Biogerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
from 2012 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 220677554
It is well known that the next decade will bring an exponential increase in very old persons. A considerable number of these will have limited economic resources. The global energy demand will drastically increase the cost of heating and thereby threaten housing health conditions. This is particularly problematic in older persons suffering from sarcopenia which is very prevalent in older women. Muscle tissue has the key role in the intrinsic temperature control and is the main source of internal thermogenesis. This might lead to a vicious circle influencing mobility patterns and increasing the incidence of falls. Falling is one of the leading causes of death and institutionalization in older people. The effect of cold room temperature on motor performance of older women with different levels of sarcopenia will be tested in a unique mobility laboratory equipped as a climate chamber. Muscle power of functional performance and its association with muscle mass will be the main outcome of the study. Gait analysis parameters including dual-task costs as well as physical activity assessed through body-worn activity monitors will serve as explanatory variables. The results of this study may influence future strategies for optimizing the muscular status and improving housing conditions of older women.
DFG Programme
Research Grants