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Sensorimotor processing and reference frame transformations in the human brain

Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 220202108
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The skin is the border between ourselves and the world. Touch is therefore a central sensory modality for body representation. Body representation, in turn, is important because the brain must direct the body to interact with the world. Current research about touch and movement have been largely conducted in separate fields. For instance, tactile processing is often investigated in the context of multisensory integration. On the other hand, sensory guidance of movement is usually investigated with visual paradigms. The present project sought to better understand the relationship of touch, body, and movement. The project had three foci: The first focus addressed the long-standing idea that the brain plans movements separately for each effector and, accordingly, dedicates separate brain regions to relating sensory information to the planning of each individual effector. Using fMRI and EEG, we showed that this idea was due to the selective investigation of eye vs. hand movements in prior research. We showed, in contrast, that hand and foot movements are indeed processed largely by the same brain regions of posterior parietal cortex, the main region responsible for motor planning. We further demonstrated that similar processing principles govern movement planning towards visual and tactile targets. The second focus addressed the transformation of tactile-sensory information into movement. This transformation comprises the integration of different types of spatial and body-related information, integration of top-down (“intentional”) modulation of sensory processing, and decision making about different response options. Using behavioral methods, motion tracking, and functional magnetic resonance imaging, we defined the factors that influence humans process the location of touch. While it was previously thought that the brain automatically derives the 3D spatial location of a touch and uses this location information to attribute touch to the different parts of the body, we found that this 3D location is not used in tactile processing; instead, several other factors determine where on the body a touch is felt. Maybe the most striking result is that where we feel a touch is in part determined by which body parts we can respond with. Thus, how we represent our body’s action possibilities influences how we feel touch on the skin. The third focus was on developing an overarching framework that integrates touch and movement. Current models of motor control feature a direct integration of movement and sensory information in feedback control loops. One part of this loop is state estimation, conceptualized as an estimate of the status of both world and body. We propose that posterior parietal cortex separates body and world into two poles of a rostral-caudal gradient of brain organization geared towards body processing vs. object interaction. The two functions require opposite transformations in space. Body processing requires that information about the world is projected onto the body, resulting in body-related coding of space and objects relative to body parts. Object interaction, in contrast, requires that information about the body is projected into the world, resulting in “external” coding of the body relative to objects in the world. The new lab in Bielefeld (once established) offered new experimental possibilities which allowed extending the project’s research. We were able to investigate aspects of tactile-motor and visuo-motor development in children aged 5-12; we were able to separate active and passive movement; and we developed new paradigms to directly relate tactile and motor processing.



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