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SPP 1656:  Intestinal Microbiota - A Microbial Ecosystem at the Edge between Immune Homeostasis and Inflammation

Subject Area Medicine
Term from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 220134278
Final Report Year 2021

Final Report Abstract

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  • Active suppression of intestinal CD4(+)TCRalphabeta(+) T-lymphocyte maturation during the postnatal period. Nat Commun 2015;6:7725
    Torow N, Yu K, Hassani K, Freitag J, Schulz O, Basic M, Brennecke A, Sparwasser T, Wagner N, Bleich A, Lochner M, Weiss S, Forster R, Pabst O, Hornef MW
    (See online at
  • Caspase-8 controls the gut response to microbial challenges by Tnf-alpha-dependent and independent pathways. Gut 2015;64:601-10
    Gunther C, Buchen B, He GW, Hornef M, Torow N, Neumann H, Wittkopf N, Martini E, Basic M, Bleich A, Watson AJ, Neurath MF, Becker C
    (See online at
  • Diversification of memory B cells drives the continuous adaptation of secretory antibodies to gut microbiota. Nat Immunol 2015;16:880-8
    Lindner C, Thomsen I, Wahl B, Ugur M, Sethi MK, Friedrichsen M, Smoczek A, Ott S, Baumann U, Suerbaum S, Schreiber S, Bleich A, Gaboriau-Routhiau V, Cerf- Bensussan N, Hazanov H, Mehr R, Boysen P, Rosenstiel P, Pabst O
    (See online at
  • Expression of the Blood-Group-Related Gene B4galnt2 Alters Susceptibility to Salmonella Infection. PLoS Pathog 2015;11:e1005008
    Rausch P, Steck N, Suwandi A, Seidel JA, Kunzel S, Bhullar K, Basic M, Bleich A, Johnsen JM, Vallance BA, Baines JF, Grassl GA
    (See online at
  • Interferon-lambda and interleukin 22 act synergistically for the induction of interferonstimulated genes and control of rotavirus infection. Nat Immunol 2015;16:698-707
    Hernandez PP, Mahlakoiv T, Yang I, Schwierzeck V, Nguyen N, Guendel F, Gronke K, Ryffel B, Hoelscher C, Dumoutier L, Renauld JC, Suerbaum S, Staeheli P, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Analysis of factors contributing to variation in the C57BL/6J fecal microbiota across German animal facilities. Int J Med Microbiol 2016;306:343-355
    Rausch P, Basic M, Batra A, Bischoff SC, Blaut M, Clavel T, Glasner J, Gopalakrishnan S, Grassl GA, Gunther C, Haller D, Hirose M, Ibrahim S, Loh G, Mattner J, Nagel S, Pabst O, Schmidt F, Siegmund B, Strowig T, Volynets V, Wirtz S, Zeissig S, Zeissig Y, Bleich A, Baines JF
    (See online at
  • Dysbiotic gut microbiota causes transmissible Crohn's disease-like ileitis independent of failure in antimicrobial defence. Gut 2016;65:225-37
    Schaubeck M, Clavel T, Calasan J, Lagkouvardos I, Haange SB, Jehmlich N, Basic M, Dupont A, Hornef M, von Bergen M, Bleich A, Haller D
    (See online at
  • Genome-guided design of a defined mouse microbiota that confers colonization resistance against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Nat Microbiol 2016;2:16215
    Brugiroux S, Beutler M, Pfann C, Garzetti D, Ruscheweyh HJ, Ring D, Diehl M, Herp S, Lotscher Y, Hussain S, Bunk B, Pukall R, Huson DH, Munch PC, McHardy AC, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ, Loy A, Clavel T, Berry D, Stecher B
    (See online at
  • Multicenter quality assessment of 16S ribosomal DNA- sequencing for microbiome analyses reveals high inter-center variability. Int J Med Microbiol 2016;306:334-342
    Hiergeist A, Reischl U, Priority Program Intestinal Microbiota Consortium/ quality assessment participants, Gessner A
    (See online at
  • The Mouse Intestinal Bacterial Collection (miBC) provides host-specific insight into cultured diversity and functional potential of the gut microbiota. Nat Microbiol 2016;1:16131
    Lagkouvardos I, Pukall R, Abt B, Foesel BU, Meier-Kolthoff JP, Kumar N, Bresciani A, Martinez I, Just S, Ziegler C, Brugiroux S, Garzetti D, Wenning M, Bui TP, Wang J, Hugenholtz F, Plugge CM, Peterson DA, Hornef MW, Baines JF, Smidt H, Walter J, Kristiansen K, Nielsen HB, Haller D, Overmann J, Stecher B, Clavel T
    (See online at
  • Enhancement of IFNgamma Production by Distinct Commensals Ameliorates Salmonella-Induced Disease. Cell Host Microbe 2017;21:682-694 e5
    Thiemann S, Smit N, Roy U, Lesker TR, Galvez EJC, Helmecke J, Basic M, Bleich A, Goodman AL, Kalinke U, Flavell RA, Erhardt M, Strowig T
    (See online at
  • Oral versus intravenous iron replacement therapy distinctly alters the gut microbiota and metabolome in patients with IBD. Gut 2017;66:863-871
    Lee T, Clavel T, Smirnov K, Schmidt A, Lagkouvardos I, Walker A, Lucio M, Michalke B, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Fedorak R, Haller D
    (See online at
  • Chronic intestinal inflammation in mice expressing viral Flip in epithelial cells. Mucosal Immunol 2018;11:1621-1629
    Ruder B, Murtadak V, Sturzl M, Wirtz S, Distler U, Tenzer S, Mahapatro M, Greten FR, Hu Y, Neurath MF, Cesarman E, Ballon G, Gunther C, Becker C
    (See online at
  • Neonatal selection by Toll-like receptor 5 influences long-term gut microbiota composition. Nature 2018;560:489-493
    Fulde M, Sommer F, Chassaing B, van Vorst K, Dupont A, Hensel M, Basic M, Klopfleisch R, Rosenstiel P, Bleich A, Backhed F, Gewirtz AT, Hornef MW
    (See online at
  • Neonatally imprinted stromal cell subsets induce tolerogenic dendritic cells in mesenteric lymph nodes. Nat Commun 2018;9:3903
    Pezoldt J, Pasztoi M, Zou M, Wiechers C, Beckstette M, Thierry GR, Vafadarnejad E, Floess S, Arampatzi P, Buettner M, Schweer J, Fleissner D, Vital M, Pieper DH, Basic M, Dersch P, Strowig T, Hornef M, Bleich A, Bode U, Pabst O, Bajenoff M, Saliba AE, Huehn J
    (See online at
  • The gut microbiota promotes hepatic fatty acid desaturation and elongation in mice. Nat Commun 2018;9:3760
    Kindt A, Liebisch G, Clavel T, Haller D, Hormannsperger G, Yoon H, Kolmeder D, Sigruener A, Krautbauer S, Seeliger C, Ganzha A, Schweizer S, Morisset R, Strowig T, Daniel H, Helm D, Kuster B, Krumsiek J, Ecker J
    (See online at
  • Akkermansia muciniphila strain ATCC BAA-835 does not promote short-term intestinal inflammation in gnotobiotic interleukin-10-deficient mice. Gut Microbes 2019;10:188-203
    Ring C, Klopfleisch R, Dahlke K, Basic M, Bleich A, Blaut M
    (See online at
  • Deletion of the Casp8 gene in mice results in ileocolitis, gut barrier dysfunction, and malassimilation, which can be partially attenuated by inulin or sodium butyrate. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2019;317:G493-G507
    Kaden-Volynets V, Gunther C, Zimmermann J, Beisner J, Becker C, Bischoff SC
    (See online at
  • Intestinal development and homeostasis require activation and apoptosis of diet-reactive T cells. J Clin Invest 2019;129:1972-1983
    Visekruna A, Hartmann S, Sillke YR, Glauben R, Fischer F, Raifer H, Mollenkopf H, Bertrams W, Schmeck B, Klein M, Pagenstecher A, Lohoff M, Jacob R, Pabst O, Bland PW, Luu M, Romero R, Siegmund B, Rajalingam K, Steinhoff U
    (See online at
  • Microbial Colonization in Adulthood Shapes the Intestinal Macrophage Compartment. J Crohns Colitis 2019;13:1173-1185
    Schmidt F, Dahlke K, Batra A, Keye J, Wu H, Friedrich M, Glauben R, Ring C, Loh G, Schaubeck M, Hackl H, Trajanoski Z, Schumann M, Kuhl AA, Blaut M, Siegmund B
    (See online at
  • Mucispirillum schaedleri Antagonizes Salmonella Virulence to Protect Mice against Colitis. Cell Host Microbe 2019;25:681-694 e8
    Herp S, Brugiroux S, Garzetti D, Ring D, Jochum LM, Beutler M, Eberl C, Hussain S, Walter S, Gerlach RG, Ruscheweyh HJ, Huson D, Sellin ME, Slack E, Hanson B, Loy A, Baines JF, Rausch P, Basic M, Bleich A, Berry D, Stecher B
    (See online at
  • Reproducible Colonization of Germ-Free Mice With the Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota in Different Animal Facilities. Front Microbiol 2019;10:2999
    Eberl C, Ring D, Munch PC, Beutler M, Basic M, Slack EC, Schwarzer M, Srutkova D, Lange A, Frick JS, Bleich A, Stecher B
    (See online at
  • Sequence and cultivation study of Muribaculaceae reveals novel species, host preference, and functional potential of this yet undescribed family. Microbiome 2019;7:28
    Lagkouvardos I, Lesker TR, Hitch TCA, Galvez EJC, Smit N, Neuhaus K, Wang J, Baines JF, Abt B, Stecher B, Overmann J, Strowig T, Clavel T
    (See online at
  • Temporally Distinct Functions of the Cytokines IL- 12 and IL-23 Drive Chronic Colon Inflammation in Response to Intestinal Barrier Impairment. Immunity 2019;51:367-380 e4
    Eftychi C, Schwarzer R, Vlantis K, Wachsmuth L, Basic M, Wagle P, Neurath MF, Becker C, Bleich A, Pasparakis M
    (See online at
  • A collection of bacterial isolates from the pig intestine reveals functional and taxonomic diversity. Nat Commun 2020;11:6389
    Wylensek D, Hitch TCA, Riedel T, Afrizal A, Kumar N, Wortmann E, Liu T, Devendran S, Lesker TR, Hernandez SB, Heine V, Buhl EM, P MDA, Cumbo F, Fischoder T, Wyschkon M, Looft T, Parreira VR, Abt B, Doden HL, Ly L, Alves JMP, Reichlin M, Flisikowski K, Suarez LN, Neumann AP, Suen G, de Wouters T, Rohn S, Lagkouvardos I, Allen-Vercoe E, Sproer C, Bunk B, Taverne-Thiele AJ, Giesbers M, Wells JM, Neuhaus K, Schnieke A, Cava F, Segata N, Elling L, Strowig T, Ridlon JM, Gulder TAM, Overmann J, Clavel T
    (See online at
  • Aging-related liver degeneration is associated with increased bacterial endotoxin and lipopolysaccharide binding protein levels. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2020;318:G736-G747
    Jin CJ, Baumann A, Brandt A, Engstler AJ, Nier A, Hege M, Schmeer C, Kehm R, Hohn A, Grune T, Witte OW, Bergheim I
    (See online at
  • An Integrated Metagenome Catalog Reveals New Insights into the Murine Gut Microbiome. Cell Rep 2020;30:2909-2922 e6
    Lesker TR, Durairaj AC, Galvez EJC, Lagkouvardos I, Baines JF, Clavel T, Sczyrba A, McHardy AC, Strowig T
    (See online at
  • Bile acids drive the newborn's gut microbiota maturation. Nat Commun 2020;11:3692
    van Best N, Rolle-Kampczyk U, Schaap FG, Basic M, Olde Damink SWM, Bleich A, Savelkoul PHM, von Bergen M, Penders J, Hornef MW
    (See online at
  • Dietary cellulose induces anti-inflammatory immunity and transcriptional programs via maturation of the intestinal microbiota. Gut Microbes 2020;12:1-17
    Fischer F, Romero R, Hellhund A, Linne U, Bertrams W, Pinkenburg O, Eldin HS, Binder K, Jacob R, Walker A, Stecher B, Basic M, Luu M, Mahdavi R, Heintz-Buschart A, Visekruna A, Steinhoff U
    (See online at
  • Distinct Polysaccharide Utilization Determines Interspecies Competition between Intestinal Prevotella spp. Cell Host Microbe 2020;28:838-852 e6
    Galvez EJC, Iljazovic A, Amend L, Lesker TR, Renault T, Thiemann S, Hao L, Roy U, Gronow A, Charpentier E, Strowig T
    (See online at
  • Disturbed gut microbiota and bile homeostasis in Giardia-infected mice contributes to metabolic dysregulation and growth impairment. Sci Transl Med 2020;12
    Riba A, Hassani K, Walker A, van Best N, von Zeschwitz D, Anslinger T, Sillner N, Rosenhain S, Eibach D, Maiga-Ascofare O, Rolle-Kampczyk U, Basic M, Binz A, Mocek S, Sodeik B, Bauerfeind R, Mohs A, Trautwein C, Kiessling F, May J, Klingenspor M, Gremse F, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Bleich A, Torow N, von Bergen M, Hornef MW
    (See online at
  • Environmental Microbial Factors Determine the Pattern of Inflammatory Lesions in a Murine Model of Crohn's Disease-Like Inflammation. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2020;26:66-79
    Stolzer I, Kaden-Volynets V, Ruder B, Letizia M, Bittel M, Rausch P, Basic M, Bleich A, Baines JF, Neurath MF, Wirtz S, Weidinger C, Bischoff SC, Becker C, Gunther C
    (See online at
  • Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells Program a Distinct Subset of IL-22BP-Producing Dendritic Cells Demarcating Solitary Intestinal Lymphoid Tissues. Immunity 2020;53:1015-1032 e8
    Guendel F, Kofoed-Branzk M, Gronke K, Tizian C, Witkowski M, Cheng HW, Heinz GA, Heinrich F, Durek P, Norris PS, Ware CF, Ruedl C, Herold S, Pfeffer K, Hehlgans T, Waisman A, Becher B, Giannou AD, Brachs S, Ebert K, Tanriver Y, Ludewig B, Mashreghi MF, Kruglov AA, Diefenbach A
    (See online at
  • Integrated microbiota and metabolite profiles link Crohn's disease to sulfur metabolism. Nat Commun 2020;11:4322
    Metwaly A, Dunkel A, Waldschmitt N, Raj ACD, Lagkouvardos I, Corraliza AM, Mayorgas A, Martinez-Medina M, Reiter S, Schloter M, Hofmann T, Allez M, Panes J, Salas A, Haller D
    (See online at

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